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There was something wrapped around the ukkur’s left arm. Serenity realized it was his loincloth.

She had been wondering about that…

When the ukkur had left, he had been wearing his loincloth. Serenity remembered distinctly, because she had sneaked one last glimpse of his sexy, muscular butt as he disappeared into the shadows. The skimpy strip of leather at the back of the garment had left little to the imagination, but Serenity remembered wishing she could see that alien backside without anything covering it.

She had imagined the hard mounds of muscle, the deep cleft of his crack…and perhaps the shadow of something else hanging down in front.

She had tried to use that imagery as fuel to take care of her business while the ukkur was away.

Serenity had not known where he was going. All she knew was that he had told her to stay put—the nith device in her ear had translated that command—and she had not objected. Her drugged legs had been far too weak to carry her any considerable distance. And besides, she’d had far more pressing needs to attend to.

The nith drugs had not released their grip on her sex drive. During the battle with the nith, the excitement and danger had made Serenity temporarily forget all about her overwhelming, artificially induced horniness. But the following minutes spent draped over the running ukkur’s shoulder had brought it all crashing back.

She’d been grateful for a few minutes alone. It had given her the chance to rub away the unbidden desire pulsing in her core.

But it hadn’t worked.

Oh, her body had been ready. Her nipples had been so swollen they had felt like they would pop, and her clitoris had not fared much better. A steady trickle of arousal had seeped from her throbbing sex.

But the problem had been her fingers. They were still weak and uncoordinated from the drugs. Serenity couldn’t get her fingers to do what she wanted, and the usually simple task of getting herself off had seemed nearly impossible.

Then the ukkur had returned.

Serenity had been so lost in her desperate attempts to bring herself to climax that she hadn’t even heard him enter the chamber.

When she had opened her eyes, the brute had been towering over her like a colossus, naked in the moonlight. His cock had stood proudly erect, jumping with the pulse of his heart. It had been exactly as she’d imagined it in her vivid dream, down to the very last detail—the winding veins, the gentle upward curve of the meaty shaft, the smooth heavy balls dangling from the base like a supple leather pouch with two round stones inside.

The ukkur had taken care of her then.

He had done all the things her own nerveless fingers could not do.

Cradled in the warm, animal musk of his scent, Serenity had given herself over to the beast. She had surrendered to the intense pleasure of his exploring fingers and lapping tongue.

How many times had he made her come already? Serenity’s addled mind couldn’t even remember. All she knew was that each explosion of bliss had been more overwhelming than the last.

And in all that excitement, it had never occurred to Serenity to think where the ukkur’s clothes had seemingly vanished to.

Now she had found them, wrapped around his arm.

A tourniquet?

Had he been wounded? What had he been doing while he was away?

Before Serenity had a chance to think about these things too deeply, her train of thought was derailed by another earth-shattering orgasm that arched her spine and left her gasping for breath.

“Gods,” the ukkur growled over her. His words were translated by the device in Serenity’s ear. “You look so beautiful when you do that, little human.”

A blush scalded Serenity’s cheeks and sizzled the tips of her ears.

A hell of a time to be bashful, Serenity, she thought to herself. She was splayed out on the floor of a cavernous stone crater getting fucked by a primitive alien, and here she wasblushing? But there was something about the ukkur’s compliment that raised her excitement to another level.

He was pumping away on top of her, grunting and groaning with exertion. Even though his face was in shadow, the lust in his eyes blazed like a fire. And inside Serenity’s body, his thrusting cock was rigid as hammered iron.

The ukkur was turned on.

By her.

That realization added to Serenity’s own arousal, whipping her into a frenzy of desire that almost matched the ukkur’s. She had been with a few men back on Earth, but it never felt likethis. Those men had wanted sex, and she had been convenient. Close at hand.
