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What was he doing? Listening for intruders? Meditating? He hadn’t moved a muscle since he had plopped his perfect naked butt over there half an hour or so before. Right after they had—

Serenity nipped that thought in the bud.

She was trying not to think about all of…that.

She was trying not to think of the way the savage ukkur had touched her. The way his strong, curious fingers had explored her, rubbing and penetrating. Or the way his supple lips and coarse tongue had devoured her. And most of all, she was trying not to think of the way he had spread her legs, mounted her like an animal, and plunged into her depths again and again with his massive, dominating cock.

But of course, the more she triednotto think about it, the more the memories and sensations forced their way into her consciousness.

The wet slap of skin on skin. The hard thrusts that jarred every bone in her body. And the smell—oh God, that intensely masculine smell that had surrounded her like an invisible blanket while he fucked her into oblivion and beyond.

Then afterward he had turned cold.

That had hurt. It had hurt bad.

But Serenity still couldn’t figure out why his attitude had changed all of a sudden. Was it something she’d done? Something she’d said.

Serenity gave her skin one final splash of water to wash the last remnants of their filthy joining away from her body, then she stood on shaky legs and stared at the ukkur’s back.

Heat welled in her face.

Why the hell was she worrying about whatshehad done wrong? It was ridiculous. Any way you cut it,hewas in the wrong. The way he had treated her was totally unacceptable. Blazing hot passion one minute, then cold as sleet the next. And not a word of explanation. Not even the slightest indication why.


Serenity trembled with rage.

She took a deep breath, counted to ten, and got her emotions under control.

She refused to let him mess with her mind like that. If he wanted to play it cold, then so be it. Serenity could play that game too.

Besides, like it or not, she was stuck with him for the time being. The big brute was all but blocking the only exit from this hiding place, and Serenity doubted he would allow her to leave. Even if he did, where would she go? She would never be able to make it back to the canyon by herself. Not in her present condition—naked, hungry, and weak.

Hell, she didn’t even know which way to go.

Right now, she needed the ukkur for survival. It was as simple as that.

Serenity sighed, and mopped the damp hair back from her cheeks and forehead. She tilted her face and gazed up at the stars through the wide opening in the stones overhead.

It wasn’t just Serenity’s survival that was at stake now.

The entire tribe back in the canyon was in grave danger. Patrick had handed over the maps of the underground tunnels, allowing the nith to prepare a rear attack on the ukkur stronghold. Of course, the nith would need some time to prepare. But how long? A day? More than that?

Serenity needed to get back to the canyon to warn the others of the coming attack. And in order to do that, she needed the help of the dark ukkur warrior.

That meant she needed to set her feelings aside and try to communicate with him.

Moving on unsteady legs, Serenity went back to the place she had been lying before. The nith translator earpiece was still there, right where the ukkur had tossed it. Serenity picked it up and moved toward the place where the warrior was sitting motionless.

When she was a few steps away, she cleared her throat.

“Hey,” she whispered.

She felt foolish, and she hated how small and apologetic her voice sounded. If anything, this big dumb asshole should be apologizing to her.

But Serenity reminded herself that the situation was more important than her personal feelings. Besides, this was not some ordinary human man she was dealing with. He was dangerous and unpredictable. Psychotic even.

She needed to be careful.
