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Serenity frowned.

What the ukkur was saying made sense. But they didn’t have time to wait around.

Again, the ukkur seemed to sense her misgivings about his plan.

“Listen,” he said. “If we head out now, the nith might catch us, and if they do, then we’ll never make it back to the canyon to warn the others, right? So it’s better to wait.”

Serenity nodded. The ukkur had a point.

He tilted his head back to look at the sky. Then he fixed Serenity with his eyes again.

“Besides,” he added. “It won’t be much longer until sunup. About another hour. Try to get some rest if you can, and we’ll head out at first light, okay?”

Serenity nodded again.

As much as she hated waiting, she had to assume that the ukkur knew best. He had been born and raised on this planet, after all.

Serenity stood up. As she did so, the ukkur’s gaze raked down her body, and she suddenly remembered that she was totally naked.

And so was the ukkur, for that matter.

Serenity’s eyes now dipped to his lap, and she saw that his massive cock was once more swollen with arousal.

Her own body responded in kind. Her nipples pebbled. Her sex throbbed with heat and wetness. From the way the ukkur’s nostrils flared, Serenity was certain he could smell her. Normally the thought of a man smelling her pussy would have embarrassed her. But with him, it just turned her on.

The ukkur brought his gaze back to Serenity’s face, and their eyes locked.

“Do you require more…assistance?” he asked.

Assistance.That was one word for it.

Serenity almost said yes. Even after the insensitive way the ukkur had treated her before, she seriously almost said yes. The physical pleasure had been so good that she was almost willing to overlook the emotional coldness.

But she shook her head.

Her fingers were working now. She would take care of it herself this time.

She turned to go back to her place on the other side of the stone enclosure, where she intended to rub away her need and then rest as the ukkur had suggested.

She had only taken one step when the ukkur spoke again.

“I am sorry,” he said.

Serenity froze.

“I am…” he paused, choosing his words. “It is important that I do not get close to you, human. It is for your own safety. I cannot say more than that.”

Silence gathered. Serenity felt her heart racing in her chest. A hundred conflicting thoughts seemed to be jumbling up in her mind. Important that they not get close? Was this guy serious? Earlier he had fucked her more roughly and passionately than any man she’d ever been with. It didn’t get much closer than that, did it?

Serenity whirled, ready to shout at the ukkur, not caring that he was a brutal beast who could rip her limb from limb.

But the look on his face stopped her.

Underneath the almost sculptural mask of indifference, she sensed a pain that was deeper and darker than she was able to fathom.

He was serious.Deadlyserious.

Serenity found herself unable to hold his gaze any longer. Her eyes dropped to the floor. Her chest felt tight and her eyeballs ached with impending tears.
