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Serenity felt a meatier fist grab a fistful of her hair, and she winced.

Soul Patch’s hands moved to the knot on his hip, and he started to unfasten his loincloth. Serenity’s stomach turned over with a sickening feeling at what was coming. These men were going to rape her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

“I oughta get first go at her,” Mustache protested. “On account of she stomped my foot.”

“Shut up or all stomp yer other foot,” Soul Patch snarled.

His loincloth fell to the ground, revealing an ugly, half-hard penis surrounded by an unkempt thicket of dark pubic hair.

A shiver of disgust wriggled up Serenity’s spine.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” Soul Patch said, grossly misinterpreting her reaction.

In that moment, a sudden change washed over Serenity. Her fear all but disappeared, replaced by a deep, searing rage that coursed through her veins like fire.

A scared animal will flee. It will call for help.

Well, Serenity had tried both of those tactics, and both had ended in failure. Now she was cornered. And a cornered animal is the most dangerous of all.

A cornered animalfights.

Serenity might have been smaller than these men and outnumbered three to one. But men have at least one significant physical weakness, and Soul Patch was waving his weakness in Serenity’s face.

It was a mistake he would regret for the rest of his life.

As soon as Soul Patch put that disgusting dick anywhere near Serenity’s face, she was going to bite it off. She had no doubts about what would happen as a result. The men would surely beat her to death.

Maybe that’s what she wanted.

Not the beating, of course. But the dying didn’t seem so bad anymore. She had no fear of death. She hated her life here on this alien planet, and as far as she could tell, death was the only exit available to her.

Summoning acting skills she hadn’t even realized she possessed, Serenity flicked her eyes up to meet Soul Patch’s with a sultry look. She licked her lips.

Soul Patch sneered and stepped closer.

That’s right, you fucker, Serenity thought behind her come-hither grin as she prepared to bite. Just a little closer…

“This little slut is hungry for it,” Soul Patch said, stepping closer. “She’s,ghurkk—

His body jerked.

A few inches above his ugly erection, another oblong object suddenly protruded. The object was about the same length as the man’s penis, but it was wider and much, much thinner. It took Serenity’s traumatized brain a moment to process what she was seeing.

It was the blade of a primitive knife, fashioned from knapped stone and drenched in blood.


For a long moment everything was completely still in the tunnel, dimly lit by the blue-green glow of the bioluminescent fungus. Serenity held her breath, utterly motionless as if she had been carved from the living stone of the cave. Her attackers did the same. Even Soul Patch, who just stared uncomprehendingly at the stone blade protruding from his gut. The only sign that time itself had not come to a halt was the neverendingplip-plip-plipof dripping cave water.

Only now it was not just water that was dripping.

It was blood.

Serenity could smell it in the air. That awful coppery scent that reminded her of the slaughterhouse. The blood trickled from Soul Patch’s wound in dark stripes. In the dimness of the cave, it looked black, not red.

Even more of the stuff was spilling from the man’s back, from the place where the knife had gone in.

Slowly, Serenity became conscious of the massive, shadowy figure hulking behind Soul Patch. How had she not seen it before? How had a creature that large approached without making a sound? And most important of all, what the hell was it?
