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He had acted in haste. He had attacked without thinking.

Now, for the first time since waking, Hruk started to consider what was actually going on. His last memory was saving Serenity from the zlorge and getting bitten himself. He had drifted into unconsciousness, certain he would die.

Yet now here he was, alive and well. There was some kind of poultice wrapped around his ankle, and the wound there was all but healed now.

These other ukkur had saved him. And they had protected Serenity.

With a great effort, Hruk dragged his eyes away from the human female’s hole. He turned to his left and right, looking at the other ukkur.

Both of them were frozen, staring in rapt awe at the female. Their bodies were streaked with blood from their fight, just as Hruk’s body was. The one to his left appeared younger and leaner of build. The one two his right was much larger—larger even than Hruk himself.

These were good ukkur. They cared about Serenity. They wanted to keep her safe. And they wanted to satisfy her animal needs.

A thought passed through Hruk’s mind, swift and subtle as a finger passing through a flame.

He had a plan. He saw a way that this situation could work to everyone’s benefit.

“Truce?” Hruk asked.

“Truce,” the younger ukkur answered without taking his eyes away from the female and her hole. The other ukkur just grunted.

“You are wondering about the human female’s hole,” Hruk said.

“Whatisit?” the youth murmured. “It’s so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it before. But…what is itfor?“

“I’ll show you,” Hruk said.

He stepped forward and stood over the human female. She shuddered beneath him. His cock was hard from the sight and smell of her. He unfastened his loincloth, allowing it to fall carelessly to the ground. His erection stood proudly in the glow of the fire.

Hruk fisted his cock, rifling his fist up and down the length of his shaft while the female watched, wide-eyed and gape-mouthed.

She was wearing the device on her ear. That meant she could understand him.

“Thank you for saving me, little one,” Hruk said. He had to assume that she had played some role in his recovery. He would get the full story later. For now, there were other far more important matters to attend to.

He looked at her a moment longer, taking in the beauty of her body. Her dark hair, her supple curves, her smooth skin sheened with sweat.

Then he fell upon her like a predator.

His lips crashed against hers in a bruising kiss, and they moaned into each other’s open mouths. Their tongues tangled and danced. His hands roamed over her body, caressing and squeezing all of her soft and meaty curves.

Serenity. His Serenity.

His naked erection was pressed against her equally naked slit. He humped, sliding his shaft against her exterior and rubbing his head against that little nub of hers. That little nerve bundle Hruk knew was so sensitive.

Gods, she felt so good. And her scent…

He could not wait any longer. He had to be inside her.

With a hungry growl, Hruk raised himself into a kneeling position. He hoisted the mewling female off the ground, spun her around so her back was to his front, and slowly lowered her onto his lap. With his free hand, he gripped his throbbing dick, lining it up with her slippery hole.

Once his tip was inside, he let gravity take care of the rest. Serenity arched her back against him and moaned loudly as she slid downward onto his aching pole.

At last her butt was pressed fully against his pelvis, and his blunt tip was parked against the end of her tunnel.

The other two ukkur looked on in wonder.

Hruk would share the little human female with them. Back in the canyon tribe, this was always the way of things. Three, four, sometimes five ukkur warriors to a single human mate. For a long time this had seemed strange to Hruk, but now he finally understood.
