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Serenity woke just before dawn, cloaked in warmth and the masculine scent of ukkur bodies. She felt good. Better than she had felt in a long time. Sure, she was sore between her legs, and her bottom felt slightly bruised from the rough impacts of Grodd’s hard pelvis slamming into her from behind. Yet at the same time she felt rested and rejuvenated.

She couldn’t recall the last time she’d felt this nice.

The reason was clear. It wasn’t just a side effect of the intense sex, though that had been incredible. The memory of how the three ukkur males had so thoroughly used and shared her body sent an echo of warmth into her tender nether area. But the real reason she felt so good was due to the sense of safety and protection. With three powerful warriors to protect her, her brain had had permission to shut itself off completely for a few hours, giving Serenity the deepest and most restful sleep she had ever experienced.

Even though she was fully rested, something was lulling her back to sleep. Just a few more minutes of that deeply satisfying sense of peace and safety…

Then she remembered there was work to be done.

They needed to get back to the canyon to warn the others about the nith battle plans. Serenity did not know the exact time, but she sensed the sun would be coming up soon, and they would need to set out at first light in order to reach the canyon as early as possible. Based on what Jagga had overheard the nith talking about the night before, they still had enough time, but every extra minute would provide more time for preparation and defense.

Serenity shifted and stretched. She was lying on top of Grodd’s supine body, and the muscles of his chest provided a surprisingly comfortable bed, like a very firm heated mattress. Serenity’s entire body rose and fell with the great ukkur’s breathing, and that gentle, rhythmic motion was part of what had helped her sleep so easily.

Like rocking a baby, Serenity thought to herself with a smile.

Suddenly, she found herself wondering what kind of fathers Grodd and the other two ukkur males would make. That wasstrangeto think about. She still barely knew any of them. Jagga and Grodd had only entered her life yesterday.

Still, she felt a primal and instinctual drive to make babies with these males, and she felt certain that it would happen after they had reached the safety of the tribe.

There was a deep grunt from the side of the tent. It was the sound of Jagga waking up. The youngest of the three ukkur had his arm draped over Serenity’s lower back. As he began to stir, his hand curved sensuously over Serenity’s naked buttocks.

She stroked Jagga’s jaw and said good morning in the ukkur language. It was one of the first phrases she had learned. She would need to learn a lot more so she wouldn’t have to keep relying on the stupid nith translator device.

Jagga responded with a sexy growl, and he gave her a firm squeeze that sent another pulse of warmth between her legs.

No time for that now, unfortunately. They had work to do. It was probably for the best. Her sore little pussy needed some time to recuperate.

Underneath her, Grodd was also rousing to wakefulness. Serenity pressed a kiss to his chest and told him good morning too.

Grodd sniffed her. Something long and hard and hot pressed between Serenity’s legs.

Seriously, these guys…

She turned her face toward the other side of the tent, preparing to give a morning greeting to Hruk. She reached a hand toward where the third ukkur had been laying, but her fingers touched only air.

Her heart skipped, and a chill washed over her skin as if someone had poured cold water on her.

“Hruk?” she gasped.

Serenity rolled off Grodd’s chest and landed in the space where Hruk should have been. She moved her arms in the darkness, searching for some sign of the missing ukkur, but all she felt was the covering of the tent.

Hruk was gone.

Don’t panic, Serenity told herself. He probably just went outside to relieve himself or to begin preparing for the day’s journey. Yes, that was it!

The darkness of the tent was disorienting. It took her a moment to find the opening. When she found it, she threw back the flap and scrambled outside.

The forest was dark, but there was a stillness in the air that always came just before the dawn. The campsite smelled of charred wood and ashes from the extinguished fire.

“Hruk?” Serenity called.

There was no answer. The only sound was the rush of the river beyond the trees.

Behind her, Jagga and Grodd were getting out of the tent.

“Hruk!” Serenity shouted. Her voice was taking on an edge of panic.
