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He was asking what she was doing outside of the sleeping tent past curfew.

Serenity answered in a tremulous voice. She eschewed the intricacies of the alien grammar, which she would probably mess up anyway.

Skizzitt nak.No sleep.

The ukkur simply grunted in response.

After a moment, he set Serenity down on her feet. Miraculously, her trembling legs held her up.

The ukkur gestured up the tunnel in the direction of the exit.

Krrg tozk sksk t’na.

Again, Serenity did not catch every detail of the message, but she got the key points. Go back. Sleeping tent.

The ukkur was telling her to go back to bed.

He didn’t have to tell her a second time. Serenity turned and ran in the direction of the camp, taking care not to slip again on the wet stone floor.

But after a few steps she halted and looked back over her shoulder at the hulking alien.

“Nokmzr,” she said. “Thank you.”

Then she sprinted away, leaving behind the ukkur and the three dead men.


By the pale blueish light of the cave lichen, Hruk watched the tiny little human female scurry off down the tunnel, her long hair bouncing behind her as she ran. She disappeared around a corner, but he could still hear the patter of her little feet on the hard stone floor.

This underground network of tunnels was labyrinthine. With no sun or stars as guidance, it would be easy for a helpless, weak-minded human to become utterly lost. For a moment, Hruk considered running after her to make sure the frightened creature made it out safely.

But he held back.

This tunnel was pretty much a straight shot back to the canyon. The female would most likely find her way. After Hruk had finished what needed to be done here, he would follow her scent trail to make sure she had returned safely to her dwelling.

And gods, what a scent it was.

Even though the woman was long gone, her aroma still clung to Hruk’s sinuses, refusing to let go. It was rich and intense, like the scent of raw meat lightly salted and dipped in creamy-sweet ksh sauce.

Hruk’s mouth watered, and his piss-stick went as rigid as a tree branch, lifting his skrik-skin loincloth like a tent.


He understood the first response. That was hunger. Simple enough.

But the other thing, the painful stiffness in the meat between his legs? That was harder to identify.

Hruk had experienced the stiffening before. It happened most often in the morning when he woke up. Usually it would go away after a few minutes. Other times it was more stubborn, and Hruk would be forced to take matters into his own hands, quite literally. He would spit into his palm and jerk his hardened shaft until the sap flowed from his tip. White, sticky stuff, like a load of ksh juice.

Hruk knew this would be one of those times.

As the ukkur warrior stood in the echoing tunnel, his balls aching like a bruise and his cock as hard as stone, he felt another impulse to chase after the human female.

What he would do when he caught her, Hruk did not exactly know.

In his mind’s eye, he pictured her as he had seen her a few moments before, on her knees before him, her big amber eyes gazing up at him in fear and anticipation. He imagined her delicate little fingers taking hold of his hardened cock and stroking, stroking, stroking until the sap came. He envisioned it erupting from his slit in thick, white gouts, striping the female’s pretty face in sticky ropes as he marked her as his own. Afterward, he would brush his oozing tip against her gasping mouth, glazing her delicate lips with his warm fluid.

With an annoyed growl, Hruk wiped the fantasy from his mind.
