Page 43 of Cowgirl Omega

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“I don’t like it either, but there’s no other way. You heard that howl she was trying to let loose a minute ago. That’s something omegas do when their heat gets too strong. Soon as I take my hand off her mouth, she’s going to start doing that again, and if there are any other alphas within a score of miles, they’re going to hear it. They’re going to come running, and when they get here, they’re going to have exactly one thing on their mind.”

“Do you think there are other alphas out here in this desert?”

“I ain’t willing to chance it,” Tanner said. He was thinking of tracks in the sand. Wolf tracks turning into human footprints. “Flip her over onto her back, would you?”

Logan rolled the woman over so she was lying face up on his lap. Tanner had finally worked his bandana free. He took his hand off the woman’s mouth, and she immediately parted her lips to howl again. He quickly placed the bandana crossways between her teeth like a bit, stifling the sound. It didn’t silence her completely, but at least they wouldn’t have every alpha in a twenty mile radius raining down on them.

With trembling hands, Tanner tied the bandana behind the omega’s head, snug but not so tight it would hurt her. The whole time, she stared up at him with a look of mingled terror and need. Her pupils were so dilated that her eyes were almost entirely black, with just the merest thread of turquoise around the rim.

When Tanner was done tying, he sat back on his knees and looked at his brother.

“You know what we’re going to have to do, right?”

Logan didn’t say anything. He just nodded. His whole frame was quaking with barely restrained lust. His skin was studded with sweat, and the veins along his neck and arms were bulging with tension.

Tanner reckoned he looked about the same. Maybe even a bit worse, considering his snakebite. He felt woozy and slightly drunk, and he couldn’t tell how much of that was from the omega and how much was from the venom still coursing through his veins.

One thing he did know: his cock was still working just fine. The damn thing was as hard as a steel rod, and it ached like a bruise inside his britches. He wanted to free it, but he knew as soon as he whipped it out, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from doing all kinds of terrible things with it.

He needed to tend to the omega first.

Needed to try and bring down her heat just a little.

Tanner McBain knew a thing or two about pleasing a woman. The scarlet sisters in the brothel where he’d grown up had trained him well. They’d taught him where to put his lips and fingers, and how to move them. They’d taught him how to play a woman’s body the way some men played the guitar, how to make her sing with pleasure, how to make her beg for more.

Not that it would take much skill to set Shannon Duffy off. The woman was already so keyed up, Tanner reckoned he could pretty much breathe on her pussy and it would make her come.

But things were a little different when it came to omegas. Tanner had never mated with one himself, but a lot of alphas had passed through town when he was young, and they’d passed on some useful knowledge about how to break an omega in. He had a feeling Shannon Duffy had not been mated before, and that meant he was going to have to spend a little extra time on her.

Some of the older alphas had also told him stories about omegas who had come to their first heat later than usual. For most, it happened when they were around eighteen, but sometimes it took longer, and in some cases much longer. Whenever that happened, the heat was even more intense than usual.

That seemed to be the case with Shannon Duffy. She’d been doing something to suppress her omega traits, and now all those years of unfulfilled need were busting loose, like water through a broken levee.

“Hoist her up,” he said.

Logan lifted the woman so she was sitting upright in his lap, her back against his chest. She was moaning through her gag and writhing like a wild animal. One second it seemed like she was struggling to get away, the next she was grinding her ass against the big bulge straining against the front of the alpha’s buckskin britches.

“Hold her steady,” Tanner said.

“I’m trying,” Logan groaned through gritted teeth.

Tanner moved into position in front of them, and the omega’s legs opened wide. He could see the stain at the center of her jeans. He could smell it too. A primal hunger growled deep within him.

Slowly, he told himself.Take it slowly. Don’t lose control.

He reached out his hands and started to take off her shirt. He managed to get two buttons undone before the beast inside him roared, and he ripped the shirt wide open, sending the remaining buttons skittering all over the ground. The omega arched her back and tried to howl again.

Fuck. He hadnotmeant to do that.

Part of him wished he hadn’t been so attracted to Shannon Duffy beforehand. It would have made him feel a lot less guilty about everything he was going to do to her. But there was no stopping what was about to happen. Their instincts were in control now, his and hers and Logan’s. They were caught up in a force of nature as powerful and unforgiving as a thunderstorm. All they could do now was ride it out, and pick up the pieces in the morning.

Before Tanner even realized what he was doing, his hands were on her breasts, cupping them, squeezing them, enjoying the way their voluptuous weight filled his palms. Her nipples were as hard as beads, and when he rolled them between his fingers, the woman whimpered and spasmed as though she was already coming. Logan tightened his grip around her waist to hold her steady.

“I think you’d better get her out of those jeans,” he suggested.

“I think so too,” Tanner agreed. “How about you, little omega? What do you think?”

There were tears trembling at the edges of her eyes, but she nodded her head and said something through the bandana that sounded like a mangled yes.
