Page 50 of Cowgirl Omega

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At last, Logan grabbed a fistful of her hair and gently but firmly pulled her head back.

“Don’t go getting too comfortable, little omega. We’re still not done with you yet.”

In one smooth motion, he sat up and swept her body up in his arms. Then he carefully laid her back down onto the blanket and slipped out of her. She felt another shameful rush as his seed spilled out the same way Rufus’ had done.

Beside them, the campfire crackled and shifted, sending up a swirl of orange sparks that seemed to blend with the stars. Farther off in the darkness, the horses whuffed and snorted.

Tanner stood over her, studying her body with his cold, gray eyes. His hard cock jutted from his groin, bobbing lightly with his pulse. Shannon saw now that his alpha sign actually coiled around the shaft in a golden spiral, and that discovery made her quiver with desire. She had thought Rufus and Logan might have managed to extinguish the burning need inside her, but now, looking up at the handsome alpha cowboy, she felt her heat come roaring back with a vengeance. She had to consciously bite back an urge to howl. In another minute or two, she might not be able to.

Tanner seemed to sense this.

“Woman,” he said, his voice dark with desire. “If you’re going to keep on howling like a she-wolf, then I’m going to fuck you like one. Roll your pretty little self over and get on all fours.”

Shannon obeyed immediately, and she noted with a flutter of excitement how good the obeying felt. She trembled with anticipation as the alpha cowboy moved into position behind her. His hands clutched her ass and pried her cheeks open, making her gasp.

“Damn,” Tanner growled behind her. “I wish you could see how beautiful your messy little pussy looks right now, woman.”

He slotted his hard shaft into the cleft of her ass and slid it up and down a few times before pressing the tip against her seed stained lips to enter her. He worked just his head in and out of her once… twice… then plunged his whole cock inside of her as deep as it would go. Even though she’d already been taken by two men beforehand, her inner muscles still had to strain to accommodate his incredible girth.

“Oh fuck!” she cried out, and a moment later, her voice echoed back from across the water. “Oh fuck!”

Tanner worked his hands over her ass as he started to thrust in and out of her. “There’s that racket we’ve been talking about. Boys, why don’t you give this omega something to do with that pretty little mouth of hers beside hollering?”

The other two alphas walked around in front of her and dropped to their knees. Both of them were still hard, and their shafts were still glazed with some leftovers of that pale, sticky fluid they’d spilled between her legs. Shannon’s mouth watered at the sight.

Now she understood why Tanner had wanted to take her from behind.

It was Logan who used her mouth first. He wove his fingers through her hair and guided her toward him. She whimpered softly as his hard cock slid between her lips, staining her tongue with his sticky seed. It was nothing like the honeyed sweetness she’d tasted in her dream, but a salty, animalistic flavor that was so much dirtier, and so much better. She moaned and took him deeper.

“Fuck, that feels good,” Logan groaned above her. He let her bob on him for a few seconds, then his fist dragged her head up, and her mouth came off of him gasping and trailing strings of saliva. “Rufus, you’ve got to try this.”

As Shannon took Rufus into her mouth, her face flushed with a kind of dirty pride. A few minutes ago, Rufus and Logan had been on the verge of fighting each other to the death. Now they were sharing her mouth, passing her back and forth between them like a pair of old friends sharing a bottle of whiskey.

And all the while, Tanner McBain was taking her from behind like a wild animal.

From the moment Shannon had first laid eyes on him in Rosie’s saloon, a part of her had known this would happen, had known she would end up stripped and mated by the handsome alpha cowboy with the whiskey voice and gunmetal eyes. That was the reason she’d run away from him in the theater, and that was the reason she’d made the mistake of choosing Gilbert Blaylocke—damn him—to be her escort through the desert.

But there was no running from her true nature. She’d tried. For fifteen odd years she’d tried, but tonight the running had come to an end.

Behind her, Tanner fucked her harder and faster, grunting and growling like a feral beast. When his climax came, it felt like a dam bursting inside her, flooding her insides with liquid heat, filling her until she overflowed, and his seed dripped out of her in thick globs that ran down the insides of her legs like cream.

Shannon’s own climax followed directly after. It crashed through her body, scouring away the last of her desperate need like a summer storm raging across the desert. When it was done, she collapsed face down on the blanket, trembling and spent. For a few minutes, Tanner lay on top of her, panting. Then he pushed himself up and slipped out of her. Like the others, he had spared her the pain of his knot.

“Come on,” he said to the others. “Let’s get this little omega cleaned up.”

They lifted her off the blanket and carried her over to the edge of the stream. Her legs were weak, and she wobbled like a newborn foal, leaning against the steadfast alphas for support. One of them filled a canteen with spring water and bathed her, rinsing away the sweat and seed from her body. The water was cool against her bare skin, but she quickly warmed again as the alphas used their fingers to scrub between her legs, where the better part of the mess was located.

By the time they had finished, Shannon could feel her heat returning. At the moment, it was just a few smoldering embers, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before it turned into a raging inferno. She wrapped her fingers around Logan’s and Rufus’ cocks and pushed her naked butt back into Tanner’s.

“I need it again,” she whispered.

“Already?” Tanner chuckled. “Damn, you’re one needy little omega. Aren’t you even going to give your alphas a chance to rest a spell?”

She could tell by his voice he was teasing. And she could tell by the iron in his cock that he didn’t need any rest. He was ready to give it to her again. All three of them were.

“I swear to God,” she said. “If at least one of you doesn’t start fucking me in ten seconds, I’m going to howl.”

The alphas rumbled approvingly around her. They led her back toward the campfire and laid her down on the blanket, which was warm from the heat of the flames. This time, Logan was the first to take her. The other two watched and stroked themselves while they waited their turns. All three of them had several turns before the night was finally through.
