Page 83 of Cowgirl Omega

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He kissed Shannon’s neck, and his lips felt soft and warm against her skin. Then his lips peeled back and she felt the hard edges of his teeth grazing against her flesh. She remembered her dream from a few nights ago, when she’d been bitten on the neck by a wolf, and her body shuddered at the memory.

But this time Shannon was not afraid of being bitten. Part of her actually welcomed the pain. It would be a symbol of their permanent bonding.

Behind her and beside her, Rufus and Logan both continued their purring, soothing her anxious nerves. The alpha continued massaging her breast with his hand, and the shifter continued stroking between her legs. This time, he did not deny her release, he allowed it to happen, and at the exact moment her climax broke, Tanner sank his teeth into her neck.

The pain was greater than she’d anticipated. It wasn’t merely the sting of the alpha’s teeth breaking her skin. It was a deep, searing pain like the heat of a branding iron.

Shannon threw back her head and howled.

This time, the alphas did not even try to silence her.

But Tanner had been right. The pain did not last for long. It was over before her orgasm had even finished, and afterward when she touched the place where Tanner had marked her, she was surprised to find that the wound had already closed itself, leaving only a crescent shaped scar.

“How?” Shannon whispered.

The alpha cowboy licked his tongue across his teeth. “It’s a bit like snakeman venom, only instead of killing, it heals—and bonds.”

“There’s so much about alphas and omegas that I still don’t know,” she said.

“Don’t worry, little omega. We’ll teach you.”

Logan was the second to mark her. He placed his right next to his brother’s. This time, Shannon knew what to expect, and she was better prepared for the pain. As before, Rufus stroked her into a climax, and when Logan bit down on her neck, she managed to keep herself from howling, though she did let a tiny whimper slip out.

“Well done,” Logan purred, kissing the place where he had marked her. “You are such a strong little omega. You will give us strong children.”

Shannon felt her whole body blush in response to the alpha’s words of praise.

“One more,” Tanner said.

Behind her, Rufus lowered his body slightly, and when he brought it back up again, his hard cock was inside her. His arms coiled around her middle, lifting her off the ground, and the other two males moved in on either side, grasping her legs and holding them open so the shifter could mate with her.

Rufus marked her on the opposite side of her neck from the other two, and this time, there was hardly any pain at all. Or rather, the pain felt good, and Shannon savored it, knowing that her binding was complete.

She let out a soft moan, and her pussy fluttered around Rufus’ hard shaft as a third climax rocked her body.

When it was over, Rufus was still holding her up while Logan and Tanner stood beside her, stroking her thighs and purring.

“Good omega,” Tanner said. “Good mate. It’s over now.”

But Shannon knew it wasn’t over yet. Not really. Actually, it was just beginning.

“We’re mates now,” Shannon whispered.

Tanner nodded. “We are mates.”

“And that means you can make babies inside me.”

Another nod. “Right again, little omega. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Starting from tonight, we’re not going to let you rest until your belly is big and round with our babies inside it.”

Those words made Shannon melt with desire. Now her animalistic urges were returning, and they were returning with a vengeance. Without even meaning to, she started to gyrate her hips, causing Rufus’ hard cock to slide in and out of her wet pussy. Behind her, the shifter rumbled with laughter.

“Easy little one. Easy. We’ve got the whole night ahead of us, and I promise we’re going to give you everything you need.”

With his cock still buried deep inside her, Rufus lowered himself and Shannon to the ground so that he was lying on his back, and she was reclining on top of him while he fucked her. The other two males stood over them, jacking themselves while they watched.

“Hey, Rufus,” Tanner said, grinning. “Make those beautiful tits shake for us.”

The shifter growled and started plunging into Shannon harder and deeper. Her body rocked with each powerful thrust, and her breasts bounced wildly.
