Page 101 of Pretend With Me

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Daddy patted Holden on the back, congratulating him on his catch. Holden looked up and smiled at me, and my heart just wanted to burst out of my chest at the happiness on his face. I would wake up at five o’clock every Saturday morning just to see him so happy.

I could add one more thing I was wrong about: Holden St. James could fish.

“Let’s get a picture with your catch. Sutton, do you have your phone?” Daddy spun around like he didn’t remember where he left me in all the excitement.

I grabbed my phone from my jacket pocket while Holden tried to convince Daddy to get in the picture with him. Daddy finally relented after Holden pointed out that he’d helped him reel it in.

I snapped the picture: Daddy’s arm slung around Holden’s shoulder, Holden proudly displaying the fish in his hands for the camera.

“We’ll have Susie fry this up for lunch, unless you want it mounted.”

While Daddy and Holden discussed their plans for the monster fish, I stood there happily taking it all in.

This moment was worth it all. There was no place on earth I’d rather be than here in Beacon Hill with the people I loved.

May I always be wrong,I prayed silently,if it feels this right.
