Page 49 of Pretend With Me

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“Thank you. You both look nice as well.” I gestured to Maxine standing beside me. She was blatantly giving Sissy and Macon the once-over and didn’t seem to care if they noticed. “This is my friend Maxine. Maxine, this is my sister Sissy and her fiancé Macon.”

Both their heads swiveled to take in Maxine, their assessing gazes masked by polite smiles.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Maxine offered, the picture of sweetness. “I’ve heard so much about you. The gala is lovely, Macon.”

Macon placed a hand on the small of Sissy’s back, giving her an affectionate smile that made the champagne riot in my stomach.

“Thank you, but I can’t take credit for it. Sissy and my mother worked with our charitable foundation to plan the whole thing. I would say her first event has been a success so far.”

Sissy placed her hand over Macon’s chest, pressing those fake double-Ds into his arm. The position pushed her breasts even higher, serving up her cleavage like sticky buns at a buffet.

“The night’s not over yet, darling, so don’t sing my praises just yet.” She turned her attention back to us, keeping her hand splayed possessively on his chest. “Sutton, I know you haven’t formally come out, but I want you to know that Macon and I love and support you whatever your lifestyle is. You don’t have to refer to Maxine as your ‘friend.’”

She lifted her hand just long enough to put friend in air quotes. I fought the urge to take a page out of Jersey’s book and punch Sissy straight in her Michael Jackson knock-off nose.

“It’s wonderful that Sutton has such a supportive family,” Maxine chimed in, giving Sissy a smile that looked as fake as her lips. “But Sutton and I aren’t dating. Weareactually just friends. She was kind enough to invite me this evening because she knows how much I love historic architecture. I’ve been dying to see the inside of this place ever since I moved here.”

“Are you an architect?” Macon asked, while I stood like a stone statue that had been battered by the elements for centuries afraid that if I opened my mouth, I’d say something that I’d regret. I was determined to make my resolution not to start any drama last at least through dinner.

“No, I’m a project manager; I work with Sutton at OmegaVs. Architecture is just a hobby. I’m very interested in the arts.”

“Then you have to check out the gallery here before you leave. They’ve got a surprisingly good collection.”

“Macon,” Sissy trilled, removing her hand from his chest and looping it through his elbow. She had reached her limit of not being the center of attention. “We have so many other guests to greet; we really shouldn’t linger. Sutton, Maxine, you’re at the head table with us this evening. Feel free to look around and mingle. They’ll begin seating people for dinner soon.”

“Make sure to check out the silent auction items on the way to your seat,” Macon added earnestly, as if we could afford anything offered at auction. “There’s also jazz and drinks in the Casimir Lounge if you’re interested. We’re so glad you were able to join us this evening.”

“God,” I blew out the breath I’d been holding, watching them walk away. “Everything about her is so fake. Her boobs, her nose, her entire personality...”

“What happened to your ‘we don’t judge women for getting plastic surgery in a society that’s constantly pressuring them to look perfect’ philosophy?” Maxine asked, choosing a very annoying moment to prove she actually listened to some of my rants.

“I still support that philosophy one hundred percent. Wecan’tjudge women for feeling pressured to alter their appearance when the media and culture are constantly forcing unattainable and arbitrary beauty standards down our throats.” I held up my hand to silence her. “Butthat particular theory has an ironclad loophole for people who’d make a fur coat out of a hundred and one Dalmatian puppies.”

“I support that loophole. Mainly because I do enjoy when your petty streak makes an appearance.”

“Thank you for your support.” I looked around the room. “There is an awful lot of Botox in this room. Lounge or table?”

Maxine thought the question over for a minute. “Let’s hit up the lounge before we find our table. I’d love to explore the building a little before the champagne kicks in and I lose the ability to appreciate it. I meant it when I said that I’ve always wanted to see inside this place.”

“That sounds like a respectable plan. I wouldn’t mind doing some exploring myself.”

And if my eyes scanned the room as we made our way to the lounge, it was only to take in the opulence of my surroundings and not at all because I was hoping to find Holden.


The sound of jazz drifted down the hall, getting louder the closer we got to the lounge. It wasn’t a song I recognized, but I felt a smile forming on my face anyway. The deep, rich voice of the singer began, and I wished we could sit in the lounge listening to her sing instead of spending the rest of the evening in the ballroom.

“Wow, her voice is amazing.” Maxine was smiling too, her smile stretching even wider as we entered the room.

It was just as opulent as the ballroom but with a more relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. By silent agreement, we made our way to the bar first. The bartender greeted us and asked if we were guests of the gala. We were very pleased to discover that gala guests’ drinks were free and promptly ordered more champagne. With glasses in hand, we turned to watch the singer and pianist.

“I wish we could stay here all night,” I said, giving voice to my earlier thoughts.

“Yeah, this is pretty amazing.” She lifted her glass, giving it a tiny shake. “Free drinks add to the appeal.”

The song ended and the small crowd applauded quietly.

“Let’s find somewhere to sit.” Maxine looked around the room, presumably searching for an open seat. “These shoes are starting to pinch my toes.”
