Page 73 of Pretend With Me

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“Oh, I love a good bachelorette party,” Max said. “Are there going to be strippers?”

“No,” Skye whined, pursing her lips into a pout. “Daddy said he wasn’t paying for strippers. He’s always so worried about how things will look in the media — which, like, who would even care, as long as the strippers were hot? And I was totally going to get the guys from Thunder Down Under. We hang out all the time; they’re so much fun. But whateves.”

I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, but thankfully, Skye wasn’t the type of person who required anyone else to actually participate in a conversation. She looked at Max again, her pout transforming into a smile.

“You should totally come! It’s going to be legit amazing, and you just have like this really fun, chill aura. I’m really good at reading people’s auras. It’s like my gift. My psychic, Lady Sylvie, told me it was my gift, and she’s legit never wrong.”

“We need to get going, Skye. Our blow-outs are in twenty and traffic is terrible,” Sissy said. Then, turning her attention back to me, she added, “You can call or text me if you have any questions in regard to the itinerary, because unlikesomepeople, I’m considerate of other people’s time and actually answer.”

“Wait,” I called out as she pivoted to walk away. “Is there any chance that this is a combined party? Will the groomsmen be there?”

“No,” Sissy responded flatly, her eyes narrowing. “Why?”

I stalled, panicked by the unexpected follow-up question. “No reason,” I shrugged, going for casual. “I just like to be prepared.”

“It’s all in your itinerary. Now we really do need to get going. Some of us have schedules to keep.” With those parting words, Sissy spun and started walking to the elevators, leaving a trail of gaping mouths in her wake.

“It’s so refreshing to be out of LA, isn’t it?” Skye asked — though I wasn’t sure who she was talking to. “Not a single person has asked me for a selfie since I got here, can you even believe it? Southerners must be too polite to bother people. I’m totally asking Daddy about real estate in Savannah. Wouldn’t it just be super fun if we were all neighbors? I could die just thinking about it. I’m texting Daddy right now. Love this for me! Ciao, new besties!”

Max, Jin, and I watched her walk away in absolute silence, all of us too stunned to speak.

“What the fuck?” I finally muttered, spinning my chair around to face my desk again. “What the fuck just happened?”

“Like, I’ve totes asked myself that question like thrice already,” Jin replied, doing a Valley Girl accent, or trying to, anyway. “Is she for real?”

“I think so. She was nice, though.” I felt an inexplicable need to defend Skye, despite the fact that she was an extremely questionable judge of character.

“Yeah,” Max joined the conversation, glancing up from the itinerary. “Your sister’s still a huge bitch, though. A huge bitch whose bachelorette party Iwillbe attending, because it is in fact going to be amazing.”

“Sure, can’t wait.” I grabbed my phone off my desk and typed out a quick message.

Me: Sissy just showed up unannounced with her maid of honor at my office. At. My. Office.

Holden: I thought you were the maid of honor?

Me: How was that your takeaway?! I am but a mere figurehead of a maid of honor. She’s just giving me the title so our parents don’t get mad or something.

Holden: Sorry. I’m sure that was an unpleasant experience. Better?

Me: Yes, now ask me why she was here.

Holden: Why was she there?

Me: Her bachelorette party is this weekend and my presence is apparently required. She has an itinerary, Holden! What are the chances you’d be willing to throw on a dress and some heels and pretend you’re Max’s cousin visiting from Sweden?

Holden: I would do a lot of things for you, but wearing a dress and heels is not one of them. I will make sure I keep my phone near me at all times, though, in case you need rescued or someone sober enough to drive you all home.

Me: That’s a shame. You’d make a great Ingrid, and I’ve been informed that this party is going to be “legit amazing.”

Holden: Get back to work.

Me: Yes, Counselor.

I was smiling as I set my phone down beside my keyboard. My smile widened when I heard the ding of an incoming text a few minutes later and I looked down to see Holden’s name on the screen.

Holden: Have dinner with me tonight?

It took me less than three seconds to respond.Yes.
