Page 79 of Pretend With Me

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“That’s great for you, Trevor. Sissy, did you want me to take a picture of you and your new friend for Macon? I know what a big baseball fan he is,” I said sweetly, pulling my phone out of the clutch dangling from my wrist.

“Make sure you get me from the left side,” Trevor said. He lifted his head, angling his chin up and to the left. “It’s my good side. Got a dimple.”

Sissy stood up from her clueless new friend’s lap, her eyes aimed at me and full of venom.

“Sutton, you’re so thoughtful. I’m sure Macon wouldn’t want me in the picture, though.”

She breezed past me to one of the bottles of champagne resting on ice and poured herself a glass while I pretended to take a picture of Trevor.

“Looks great,” I mumbled, looking at my screen. The sight of a text from Holden sent a warm tingle down my spine.

Holden: How’s the party?

Me: I don’t have the words.

I was surprised when three little dots immediately appeared on the screen.

Holden: That good, huh?

Me: Yeppppp

Holden: Do you need me to come get you and Maxine?

The longer I looked at the tiny keyboard on my phone, the more the small letters seemed to be dancing.

Me: Prolly should stay

Holden: How are you ladies getting home?

Me: Home is my favorite word, did you know that?

Holden: No, baby, I didn’t know that. Will you call me when you’re ready to be picked up? I can come get you. It doesn’t matter how late it is, I’ll be up.

My brows furrowed, thinking about Holden up this late working in his sterile apartment. I hadn’t ever been in it, but I was suddenly very sure that it was sleek and modern and soulless. Holden didn’t need soulless. He needed warmth and sunshine and comfort.

Me: Are you working?

Holden: Just finishing up some things.

Me: You should be happy

Holden: I’ll be happy when I know you’re home safe.

That warmth I had felt when I saw his name on my screen spread through my whole body and I felt my mouth stretch into a wide, goofy smile. I was in serious trouble and I was too drunk to care.

“Come on, Sutton! We’re playing Tapout, bridal party versus baseball team!” Amber’s shrill voice rang throughout the small room.

I groaned, slipping my phone back into my clutch. I had no idea what that game was, but based on the shot glasses being lined up on the table, I didn’t think it was going to be good for my internal organs.

I made the short trip to where Max was seated on one of the couches across from the table and dropped into the open spot next to her. “This isn’t going to end well for us, is it?”

Even though she was smiling, she shook her head back and forth, eliciting another groan from me.

An hour and four shots later, Max and I were stumbling through the door of my apartment. Okay, in all fairness, I was doing most of the stumbling, but even Max was unsteady on her heels.

After a quick detour to say goodnight to the piglets and make sure they were all tucked in for the night, we made our way to the bedroom.

“How are you not more drunk?” The question sounded like it was coming from someone else, like I was outside of my body and just floating around the moving room.
