Page 94 of Pretend With Me

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“Hi,” I said, unable to keep the wide, contented smile off my face. Sutton Buchanan did not play it cool.

“Hi.” His hand came up to brush away the strands of hair he’d fucked out of place. “I need to clean up, but I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

I used the time to trace every line, every ridge of the face that I knew was one of my very favorite things in this world like I was committing it to memory. We eventually found the will to untangle ourselves, taking turns in the bathroom.

I did my best not to overthink things as I made my way out of the bathroom, but the questions were running through my head at warp speed. Holden was sitting up in bed under the covers, looking at his phone. He looked up when he heard me walking toward him. I stopped, suddenly unsure. Holden pulled back the covers on the empty side of the bed in a clear invitation, which I readily accepted.

“So...” I said hesitantly, needing some type of reassurance that we were on the same page — that page being that I was hopelessly in love with him and wanted to have a lot more sex.

“Why are you so far away?” he asked, hooking an arm around my waist and dragging me into his side. “Better?”

“Much.” I tilted my head back to smile up at him. “I like you.”

The words just slipped out. My mind raced, trying to think of a way to make them disappear.

“I think it’s pretty obvious that I like you, too.” He chuckled, placing a kiss on the tip of my nose.

“I did notice that.” I was so lost for this man. “But I’m hoping you might be interested in more than just sex.”

Like marriage, a dog, and two point five kids.

“Yeah, baby. Sex is just the start of what I want from you.”

“I’m really, really happy to hear that, because if I’m being honest, I’m kind of crazy about you.”

“Thank fuck.” He sounded so genuinely relieved that I must have made a surprised face. “Sutton, I’ve been crazy about you for such a long damn time, I can’t even remember when it started.”

“What?” I reared back, completely shocked at his admission.

“You’re not exactly easy to read, Sutton. I wasn’t even sure you’d dance with me tonight, but I wasn’t going to miss the possibility of having you in my arms any way I could get you.”

My heart was dangerously close to exploding from joy. Being so wrong about a person had never been so wonderful.

“I had no idea. You weren’t exactly giving me any signs either.” I hesitated, not wanting to ruin the mood. “Is this weird though?”

“Just what everyone wants to hear in bed.”

I shoved lightly at him, and his hand came up to trap mine against his chest.

“I mean me and you. Is it weird if we’re together, since my sister just married your brother?”

“Not ‘if,’ and no, it’s not weird.” His tone left no room for doubt.

“Itcouldbe weird after they get divorced,” I pointed out, my anxious mind planning the demise of their relationship while simultaneously anticipating a long future for ours.

“Planning their divorce on the night of their wedding?”

“Do you really think their marriage will last?”

“I don’t know. Macon is so crazy about her, he’s pretty much blind to all her faults. And she seems to like the status that being with him brings her, so they might make it. I can tell you this much: If anyone files for divorce, it’ll be your sister. He’d walk across razor blades on bare feet for her.”

I was quiet for a second, thinking over what he’d said.

“It might not sound like it, but I hope you’re right.” I didn’t know how to explain the complex web of emotions I felt for Sissy. “She’s still my sister, you know?”

He pulled me in tighter and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

“Yeah, baby, I know.” And I believed him.

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