Page 96 of Pretend With Me

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“I have no idea. We can ask Cam and Paul if they know at dinner.”

I nudged him gently in the ribs, earning a laugh just as the knock on the door came. Holden opened the door to a smiling Cam and a man I assumed was her husband. I took a quick second to survey the person who had restored her faith in men. He was very handsome, with dark auburn hair that had a natural wave to it and startlingly hazel eyes. His smile revealed a dimple in one cheek that added a boyish quality to his appearance. Something about the way he held himself exuded a friendly, quiet strength that I imagined made his patients feel comfortable with him.

“Sutton!” Cam exclaimed, stepping inside to wrap me in a hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

“You too.” I returned her hug, then stepped out of her arms and passed her off to Holden. “I’m so glad we were able to do this.”

“Me too,” she replied, smiling at Paul and Holden, who were in the middle of a handshake and a back-slap. “I live for an all-grown-up dinner.”

She smiled at her husband and said, “Sutton, this is Paul. Paul, this is Sutton.”

“It’s so nice to finally meet you.” I was unsure whether to shake his hand or go in for a hug, so I settled on a finger wave situation that had pink tinting my cheeks. “I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to have a face for the name.”

“You as well. Thank you for having us over,” Paul replied, placing a hand on Cam’s lower back.

“Of course.” I motioned for them to follow us into the kitchen. “Would you like a glass of wine? Holden just opened an amazing bottle of chardonnay. Seriously, it will change your life.”

“Well, I never say no to a glass of wine, and I’m certainly not going to start with a life-changing bottle,” Cam answered, digging her phone out of her purse. “I hope you don’t mind the phone being attached to my hand tonight. We almost never leave the kids overnight, and I have to compulsively check my screen every two minutes to make sure they haven’t burned the house down yet.”

I laughed, retrieving the bottle of wine from the fridge.

“We don’t mind at all! Holden feels the same way about the associates he has working on a big wrongful death suit.”

“I’m not that bad,” Holden said, trying to defend himself, but he was sabotaged by a buzzing from his pocket. He cringed, pulling it out. “I do have to respond to this. If you’ll excuse me for a second.”

I noticed matching smiles on our guests’ faces as they assured him it was fine.

“He’s been swamped at work. Macon basically dumped his entire caseload on Holden. First, he was using the wedding as an excuse, and now it’s the honeymoon,” I explained, generously filling their glasses.

“Don’t they leave for the honeymoon next week?” Cam took the glass of wine I offered her. “Your mom mentioned it to my mom.”

“Yep, but Macon thought it ‘just made more sense for Holden to keep handling the cases.’” I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of wine.

“That sounds like Macon.” Cam nodded her head, then took a drink from her glass and her eyes widened. “You weren’t kidding. This wine isamazing.”

“I’m more of a beer man myself, but this is really good,” Paul added, seeming surprised that he actually liked a wine.

“Right? Holden just finished a case for some guy who owns a vineyard in France.”

Paul looked at the glass. “One of my patients brought me a dozen eggs and a basket of homegrown tomatoes last week. Mrs. Christian tried to give me three chickens last month. I may have gone into the wrong business.”

Cam patted his arm. “Welcome to Beacon Hill, sweetie. If you get a bottle of wine, it’s definitely going to be homemade.”

“Sorry about that,” Holden announced, returning to the kitchen from the room he used as an office. It was also the only room that actually looked lived in. “I promise, no more work calls tonight.”

He came to stand beside me at the island, taking his glass of wine and placing a kiss on the side of my head. I smiled up at him, loving that small display of affection.

“This is so weird,” Cam stated, her gaze bouncing back and forth between us. “Seeing you two together. But weird in a good way.”

“Honestly, it’s still weird for me too,” I admitted, not at all offended by her comment. “It feels like a soap opera, me dating my brother-in-law by marriage.”

“Just think how weird it’ll be when they get divorced,” Cam pointed out.

“Ha!” I cried, turning to Holden triumphantly. “It’snotjust me. I told Holden the same thing,” I explained, turning back to Cam.

“On the night of their wedding,” Holden added, like that somehow explained his position on their divorce.

“Ooh, that’s cold,” Paul chimed in, clearly taking Holden’s side in this debate. “Everyone knows proper wedding etiquette requires you to wait until at least the day after to start taking bets on how long the marriage lasts.”

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