Page 102 of Tides of Fire

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“To find a way to save the world,” Gray called over. “Together if need be. If you’re willing. Or we keep this war going and watch the world burn.”

A fierce argument rose on the other side.

At least, someone over there seemed amiable to this pact.

Gray supported whoever that was. “You see what’s happening outside! On this island. Across this region. Both our sides have pieces to a centuries-old puzzle. One that could either end the world or save it. Yet, we keep fighting, clinging to our scraps. If we keep doing that, it’ll only end in destruction. But it’s your choice!”

The squabble slowly died over there.

The same speaker called to them. “You believe there is a way to stop what’s happening?”

“Stamford’s papers—the pages we have—hint at it.” Gray quoted from memory. “He states at the beginning,the only hope for the world lies within the pages that followand ends with a promise,a method to appease the gods of the underworld if they should ever grow angry again. But I believe he hid part of his secret at this museum, dividing it up to better secure it.”

“In his old governor’s office,” the shouter called back, proving his own knowledge of the historical angle to all of this. “Do his papers mention petrified bodies?”

Gray stiffened.

What the hell?

Seichan glanced at him, looking less angry and more confused.

“They do!” Gray admitted. “An illness that dissolves bones and re-calcifies into bodily tissues.”

More mumbling followed this admission.

A new voice called over, higher pitched and anxious, “Is there a cure?”


Heng was hauled back by Captain Wen. The soldier’s fingers dug down to bone. Even Xue scolded him with a frown. He was pushed back into the cadre of Falcon commandos.

Still, his hastily shouted question was answered.

“Raffles does mention an elixir!” the American called back. “But that remedy is buried in riddles. It will take the recovery of those other pages to know more.”

Wen shifted over to Xue. “I have men circling to the rear courtyard. Keep the Americans talking until we’re in position.”

“No,” Xue ordered. “Hold your forces in place. Our opponents are no fools. They’ll be watching their backs. They could easily burn those pages before any raid shuts them down.”

Wen looked ready to object, stepping closer to do so.

Xue turned his shoulder to the man. “For now, I say we consider their offer. We could perhaps learn what they know, get them to share it—then decide what to do.”

Heng let out the breath he had been holding. He pictured Petty Officer Wong and Sublieutenant Junjie in the medical ward back in Cambodia.

If there was even the slimmest chance of a cure, we must find it.

Heng shook free of the fingers holding him. “The Americans are right. We either cooperate fully, share what each side knows—or we risk losing everything. If this geological collapse continues unchecked, it will bring down the world.”

As Xue pondered this, his eyes reflected the firelight from their briefbattle. To Heng, the spreading flames was a microcosm of the greater threat.

As the house burns around us, we’re still arguing.

“Please...” Heng begged.

Xue slowly nodded, having come to a decision. He stepped forward and called across the hall. “I agree to a truce!”

Wen shook his head with a scowl.
