Page 35 of Temptation

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There was no pain from the cut, just a slight sting that she barely felt. The lack of sensation when he cut her meant that thing was incredibly sharp. Which just turned her on even more as Orlando pressed it against her neck while she lowered herself to her knees. Her nipples throbbed, hurting far more than the tiny cut did even though the initial pain had subsided.

Of course he wasn’t pressing the sharp side against her throat, that would have been far too dangerous, but her brain wasn’t entirely comprehending that. After all, he’d just cut her and now there was metal pressing against her skin where she was completely vulnerable. Her heart rate had kicked up to epic proportions as the sense of danger quivered inside her.

It wasn’t that she was afraid, exactly… logically she knew she was safe. Logically she knew Orlando would never harm her. Logically she knew that it was the blunt side against her throat and that he would never ever turn it to the other side.

But logic didn’t always matter to the animal brain, and that part of her was screeching at the danger she was in. Because he could hurt her very, very badly if he wanted to.

By getting on her knees, by not running in terror or ending the scene, she was showing that she trusted him —quite literally —with her life. That she trusted him not to harm her when all he would have to do is turn the blade and flick his wrist.

And yet her heart still pounded at the possibility that he could. That it was within his power to do. The metal pressing against her throat as she knelt before him gave her a hot rush of adrenaline and arousal that couldn’t be replicated by anything she’d ever done with vanilla sex.

Her breasts bounced slightly as she knelt, the weight of the clamps tugging on her nipples at the movement and reawakening the nerve endings. The throbbing didn’t hurt anymore, mostly, and it made her pussy clench, but considering how much they’d hurt going on, she knew that coming off was going to be even worse.

She hadn’t realized how unaccustomed her nipples would become to being clamped. It was like they’d been re-virginized.

Once she was on her knees, she spread them apart in proper submissive position, leaving her head at Orlando’s dick height.

“Good little slut.”

Her pussy clenched every time he called her that. Why, she didn’t know. Being called names had never bothered her, but it had never turned her on either. Not until Orlando.

What made him different, she didn’t know. Maybe it was just that everything he did turned her on. Or maybe it was because being sexy with her stepbrother did make her feel slutty in a totally taboo kind of way. Juliet knew that was why he’d brought up their relationship again. Not to turn them off, but because there was something sexy about messing with that taboo barrier.

They weren’t supposed to be attracted to each other.

They weren’t supposed to be having sex.

And the forbidden aspect was fucking hot, even though it was also the dangerous aspect because of how it could blow up in their faces. Okay, so she might have a danger kink that went beyond the physical. Something to think about later.

Using his free hand, Orlando undid the front of his pants, his erect cock springing out to bob in front of her. The tip of it brushed over her lips, like it was trying to tease them open. Immediately, Juliet flicked out her tongue to give it a lick. It might not be in character with the role play of needing a knife to her throat, but she couldn’t resist.

Reaching under her chin, Orlando gripped her jaw. When she met his gaze, his eyes were full of hot desire.

“Open up, little rose.” His finger tapped the underside of her chin. “I’m going to fill your mouth with my cock.”

Her lips popped open automatically, nothing to do with the metal still sliding over her skin. She wanted him in her mouth. Wanted to suck his cock.

When he pushed in, she dropped her jaw easily, her tongue coming up to flick along the underside of his cock, teasing the head before it thrust in deeper. The slightly sweet, slightly salty precum leaking from his tip coated her tongue and she hummed her approval.

* * *



It was a good thing he’d decided to get the blow job first, because otherwise he really wouldn’t have any willpower by the time he started tormenting her. He had barely gotten his cock past her lips and he could already feel the urge to let loose and cum rising within him.

In a moment he was going to have to put the scalpel down. Though it was safe enough holding the blunt edge against her throat, accidents could happen, especially when passions were high. But for just a few minutes, he was enjoying the sight of his stepsister naked and on her knees for him, silver gleaming from her nipples and beside her neck, her eyes full of heat and desires, her mouth firmly wrapped around his cock. The tiny cut he’d given her had already stopped bleeding, but he could still see the thin, dark red line on her skin.

Knowing that she trusted him to hold the scalpel so closely to her while he was pushing his cock into her mouth was an incredible aphrodisiac. He pumped his hips, his cock receding and then pushing back in, the thick length shiny with her saliva. The vibration of her hum sent pleasure shooting up his spine and he groaned, letting go of her chin to slide his fingers into her hair and grip the curls, wrapping them around his fingers.


He needed to put the scalpel down.

Thankfully the tray wasn’t far away. Leaning over, he dropped the sharp implement with a clang so he could focus fully on enjoying himself rather than having to divide his attention to keep from hurting her.

Now he could slide both of his hands into her hair, moving her head back and forth on his cock while she sucked and licked, giving him control of her upper body. Her soft moans and whimpers around his cock increased his pleasure, making it even harder to keep his desires under control.
