Page 64 of Temptation

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“You’re going to keep going? I mean, you already got one right. Isn’t that enough?”

“Not even close to enough. I’m determined to see just how close my guesses are.”

“Fine. You won’t get my other two ideas,” she said confidently.

Elijah flipped over his second guess. “Ride on High Roller.”

“Ha!” she said. “That’s not on my list.”

“Damn. I thought sure you’d want to take a ride on the ferris wheel.”

“Wait…” she said, confused. She opened one of her papers and glanced at him before asking, “You said ride on High Roller. Is that the name of the ferris wheel?”

He was thrilled that he was two for two. “Yep. I once did a stunt where I had to fall out of one of the top cars. They had to close the ride down for guests for a few hours and everyone was getting pissed when the director made me do a second take.”

“My God, I can’t believe you’d actually purposely fall out from so high! You could have killed yourself.”

“Naw. We take a lot of precautions. That was one of my tamer stunts honestly. Now… back to the question at hand. Let me see that little paper in your hand, young lady.”

Her blue eyes widened at his term of endearment, sending a signal straight to his cock.

Reagan Murphy liked to be called a young lady.

He hoped to have the chance to see how she reacted to being hisgood girl… or better yet… hisnaughty girl.

Elijah shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself. But he didn’t hide his grin when she flipped the paper over to expose the words FERRIS WHEEL.

“I’m two for two! I may get my bonus after all,” he said, letting himself get excited.

“You won’t get the last guess right,” she said, sounding confident.

“We’ll see, won’t we. Let’s turn our papers over at the same time and we’ll see if I have earned my bonus or not.”

He held his breath as he flipped the paper over. There was so much more than just a date on the line this time, because he knew if he guessed the third activity, the words on his bonus sheet would change everything between them.

The couple locked eyes for a few long seconds. Reagan broke the gaze first, glancing down and calling out a loud, “No way!”

Elijah’s cock instantly turned to rock — not because both of their papers had CIRQUE DE SOLIEL on them—but because he knew that in just a few minutes Reagan would be reading the final paper between them. It was a risk. Should he pull it back? He didn’t want to risk ruining the fun day they had in front of them.

Don’t be a pussy, Keaton. You’ve lived your life dangerously, so let it ride.

Reagan was shaking her head, truly impressed at his guesses. “You had to cheat!” she accused.

“You know I didn’t,” he deadpanned taking the last swig of his coffee.

“So what’s on that bonus paper,” she asked, looking nervous.

“I think you should pick it up and read it for yourself,” he grinned before adding. “I’ll just sit over here and watch you blush as you do.”
