Page 15 of Redemption

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Vito sighs, inconvenienced by my questioning, but I don’t care. I’m not the sweet, naïve Ava I pretended to be yesterday. I’ve grown up in a far darker world than he knows, and I’m not just going to go blindly with them somewhere. Unless I’m in legitimate danger or at risk of my cover being blown.

The way he shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively, tells me I’m going to have to learn to bite my tongue for once in my life and get on with it, and it instantly makes my chest tight, my jaw clenching as he speaks. “Get dressed, Ava. We have business to attend to.”

I gulp back the angry response burning my tongue, but the way his eyes widen a little, I think he presumes I’m gulping in fear. He doesn’t say another word though, happy to leave it like that between us.

Turning my back to him, I head for the bathroom, leaving the door open so I can keep an eye on what he’s doing as I clean myself up the best I can without jumping in the shower. The hairs on the back of my neck tingle as my body demands to be on high alert.

One glance in the mirror and it’s clear I’ve been fucked into next year, so I quickly grab a hair tie off the vanity top, sweeping my hair back into a tiny slick ponytail, using hair pins to hold it in place, before I splash some water on my face.

When I re-enter the room, I find Vito by the window, staring down at the city outside, lost in his own little world. Moving straight for the walk-in closet, I discard my bra, opting for a slick black matching set this time as I search through my suitcase for something they may find suitable enough for me to attendbusinesswith them.

Donning a pair of fitted black pants, a simple black tee, and a matching oversized blazer, I slip my feet into the chunky combat boots I wore the other night at the club. I dress with my eyes fixed on Vito the entire time, but it’s like he’s switched off from the rest of the world, a numbness washing over him as he prepares for… something. I don’t yet know what, but it seems I’m close to finding out.

I straighten my blazer as I move toward my bed, just as a knock pounds against the door. It immediately kicks Vito into action as he spins toward the sound, marching with purpose. “I’ll get it,” he grunts, barely looking in my direction, and I use it as the distraction I need, opening the nightstand drawer and quickly slipping my Springfield XD into my oversized blazer pocket.

While pocketing the phone, I see a message flash across the screen from Luna. the one word text making me freeze in place.




Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

It’s too fucking late for that now.

“Bella,long time no see,” Enzo singsongs, stepping into the room with a burst of energy and Matteo right behind him. I return his smile, quickly swiping the message off the screen as I place my cell into my other pocket.

“It seems the three of you are full of surprises, and it’s not even lunchtime yet,” I say with a quirk of my brow as he steps into my space, wrapping me in his arms as he presses a soft and sweet kiss on each of my cheeks.

“That just means we’ve barely started, Ava. The fun is yet to come,” he replies with a wink, and I shake my head at him.

“Since your brother doesn’t want to clue me in on what’s going on, is there any chance you might?” I ask hopefully, but he shrugs.

“What, and miss your reaction to the crazy that is our lives? No fucking way. I’m ninety-nine percent sure Matteo is going to go nuclear, and you and I both know that flex of power will have your sweet little pussy singing in no time,” he purrs, stroking his finger down my cheek.


He knows me too well already, and I would agree under different circumstances, but the fact that Luna just messaged me to abort leaves me too wired to think with anything other than my mind right now.

“Stellina,come. We have a meeting to attend, and your safety seems to have been compromised with some of our competitors. So, for the time being, I don’t wish for you to be out of my sight,” Matteo explains, offering me the smallest detail to the bigger picture here.

Releasing a heavy breath, I take in the three men who have veered me off track so drastically. Enzo is as calm and cheerful as ever, Vito zoned out like he’s not really present, and Matteo’s jaw looks so tight it may snap.

I steel my spine, nodding at them. Against my better judgment and Luna’s order, I say, “Lead the way.”

* * *

Every minute in the SUV accelerates my heart rate. With Matteo beside me and Enzo and Vito sitting across from us, I try to contain the panic, nibbling on the inside of my cheek as the city passes by in a blur.

The SUV is silent as the tension rises. Wherever we’re going, they’re not happy about it. Even Enzo has lost his permanent grin and flirty eyes.

I’m totally fucked.

I can feel it in my gut, my stomach twisting in knots as the SUV pulls up outside a restaurant I’m not familiar with.

Vito opens the door before the driver can even get out of his seat, Enzo shuffling after him to wait just outside, offering his hand to me. I take it without pause, letting him lead me out into the street. The weather, thankfully, is dry for the first time in days but dark clouds loom above us. Matteo follows me out of the vehicle, his hand brushing the base of my spine as he moves around me, making my body tingle with the slightest of touches.
