Page 32 of Redemption

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Luna’s best friend, the redheaded sunshine from Featherstone Academy that somehow manages to see lightness in everything and everyone. Except me, of course, it’s only Luna that continues to push at me like that.

Hearing Jess’s voice does little to settle me though, making me feel like I’m under a microscope with the two of them, and I can’t bear it. “I really wouldn’t care about my safety or anything else, Luna. It’s not fucking worth it. I did my job like you asked and protected you when needed. I’m done now. That was the agreement.”

My words are tight, my jaw clenched and my eyes slammed shut as I try to regulate my breathing. Admitting what my father did to me earlier to the De Luca brothers has my emotions twisted up in knots and I feel like I’m a live wire ready to blow a fuse.

“You’re right. You did what was agreed, but you also did more. You didn’t have to raise a gun to protect me, but you did and that means something to me,” Luna explains almost soothingly down the line.

“Well, it shouldn’t,” I blurt, feeling more and more sensitive with every passing second I stay on the call.

“We’re going to help you, Wren. I’m dealing with the mess Totem left behind with the Russians as well as the De Lucas, but the Russians are getting completely out of hand at the minute. Once I have them under control, or at this stage, dead, then I can focus on what seems to be a problem with the Italians. But above all that, I want you back in one piece.” There’s a bite to her tone that I’m familiar with. Her determination and willpower is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, not even from my own father.

“Don’t waste your resources, Luna.” My words sound bored, desperate to protect the emotions swirling inside of me, as Jess scoffs on the other end of the line.

“Remind me why we’re helping her?” she mumbles, the question exactly what is floating through my mind, but thankfully, to my relief, Luna doesn’t answer her.

“Sit tight, Wren. I’m figuring this out,” Luna advises instead, likely waiting to answer her friend when she’s off the call.

“Don’t rush,” I mumble, which is met with a pause from their side for a moment before Jess speaks.


That one word holds so much weight that I almost choke on the answer as it stumbles past my lips.

“There’s literally nowhere else for me to go.”

With that, I end the call, not wanting to feel another hint of pity from anyone.

I’ve lived through worse.

I’ve survived harsher circumstances.

Who knows, maybe surviving this is my ultimate challenge because being around the De Luca brothers, when all I feel is their hatred aimed at me after feeling their soft and delicate caresses, may just be the death of me.



Ifeel dazed as I’m ripped from the depths of sleep, encouraging me to squeeze my eyes shut tighter for a second before attempting to blink them open. When I feel blinded by the light in the room, I realize my error. I didn’t close the curtains last night, and now the mid-morning sun is crisp and clear but trying to burn my retinas.

With a huff, I roll over, turning away from the glaring light in an attempt to fall back asleep, but after a few minutes, I know it’s useless. I’m awake now, whether I like it or not, but I’m definitely blaming Nonna for this interruption. It was her amazing food that put me in the most perfect food coma last night when the two of us sat at the table and ate until I couldn’t fit another single bite in my mouth.

I had stumbled back to my room like a drunk woman, and only just managed to slip into a pair of pajamas before I collapsed on the bed. Sleep beckoned me from my food coma, leaving me to fall victim to the effects of the blistering morning sun through the uncovered windows.

Unable to remain in my cocoon of blankets with my thoughts being the only thing to keep me company, I lift the sheets and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I yawn, stretching my hands above my head as I arch my back.

The second I stop, my thoughts drift to jumping in the shower, but I decide against it as I can see that the bedroom door to my room is slightly ajar, which means I can leave and roam around for a while.

Rising from the bed, I waste no time reaching for some yoga pants and a tank top in the closet that we bought yesterday for me to do some exercise in. Hope blooms in my stomach at the desire of being able to get some fresh air and feel the wind on my face. Running wasn’t a pastime of mine before I was cooped up in Philadelphia, but I fell in love with it out there. Even though it may have only been a week since I was there, it feels like an eternity.

I slip my socks and sneakers on next, before reaching for a light jacket in case it’s not as warm as it looks outside. The reality of the weather in Italy is lost on me, but back home, things weren’t always cooler than they originally looked.

Glancing at my cell phone, I consider taking it with me, but there’s no point when I don’t have my earphones. So I leave it on the charger and head for the door, slipping out and shutting it closed quietly behind me as I practically tiptoe toward the kitchen.

My muscles tense with every step I take, worried that one of the De Luca brothers will be around, and I immediately regret not grabbing my gun.


I’m at the open doorway to the kitchen now so turning back is pointless, but with one deep breath, I step into the room, only to find it empty. Not even Nonna is here, but I do notice a small note propped up on the table with my name written in bold black pen.
