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If I could get my hands on the hourglass, I could practice with it until I could freeze time on the battlefield. And if we could lure Regner into some kind of trap, I could use the hourglass to kill him.

I had to find it.

We ate silently for a long moment. Telean watched me, clearly aware I was working up the courage to broach this topic. I shouldn’t even ask. And yet, I couldn’t seem to help myself.

Finally, I sighed. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Crawyth. The night my parents died. When I was taken. The Bloodthirsty Prince…”

Telean watched me. I had a feeling she was seeing the tiny spark of hope that flickered inside my chest.

“You want to know if I saw him.”

I nodded.

“I didn’t need to, Nelayra,” she said gently. “Others saw him after the attack ended.”

Heat seared the backs of my eyes. But that stupid spark refused to go out.

“We will soon enter Gromalian waters.” Telean sent me a sympathetic look and changed the subject. “Tell me the name of the Gromalian king.”

“Eryndan,” I muttered. “His son is Prince Rekja.” The man Lorian had impersonated for weeks.

The back of my neck prickled, and I glanced over my shoulder. Lorian stepped into the cabin.

He might be in his human glamour, but he’d ceased any attempts to hide what he was. When he moved, it was with a speed that made my heart thrum. And when he was at rest, he was eerily still.

I slowly got to my feet. His face was expressionless…but his eyes burned with fury.

My throat tightened. “Tell me,” I croaked.

“There has been an attack.”

“What happened?”

“The king sent his iron guards after the hybrids.”

A hole opened inside me. I should have been there. I knew I should have been there. I could have used my power. Could have given our people the upper hand.

“Who?” It was all I could say.

Lorian took a deep breath. “Eight iron guards found Rythos’s group. Your fire-wielding friend was with them.”


He nodded. “The guards knew who they were dealing with. They’d temporarily deafened themselves so they would be immune to Rythos’s power. The hybrids are still weakened.”

Invisible fingers squeezed my throat until I could barely breathe. The hybrids were unused to using their powers and would’ve probably been more of a liability than a help for Rythos.

“Four of the hybrids died.”

My gut twisted, and I suddenly couldn’t swallow around the lump in my throat at the unfairness of it all. Those hybrids had gained their freedom, only to die on their way to their new lives.

“Rythos protected one with his body.” Lorian’s eyes turned flinty, and I knew Rythos would be on the receiving end of Lorian’s wrath for that choice. “He was wounded.”

My heart stuttered. “How badly?”
