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“Who gave it to you?”

“Vicer determined it was best if we all—”

The disk was in his hand a moment later, and he threw it into the forest. I lunged, but he snared my wrist, holding me tight.


“What have I told you, Prisca? You never give up. Not you.”

I kept my voice even. “You know me. You know I’d never do it unless there was no other choice.”

He showed me his teeth. “If you’re ever taken, I will find you. No matter how long it takes.”

“And if you’re dead or captured?”

“Galon and the others will find you.”

“You’re being entirely unreasonable.”

I’d find Vicer and ask for another disk. Not because I was suicidal. But because I knew I was unlikely to hold up well under torture. And I refused to put my friends and family at risk.

Lorian was watching me closely, and his expression hardened. “You ever do such a thing, and I’ll find you. Wherever you are. Even if you’re in Hubur. I’ll make my way to the underworld, and I’ll drag you back.”

I studied him, taking in the obstinate set to his jaw, the unyielding glint in his eyes. This reaction wasn’t normal. Even from my possessive fae prince.

“Who did you lose?”

Heflinched. It was quick, but I caught it.

Oh, Lorian.

“Pris?” Asinia called.

I kept my gaze on the stubborn male in front of me. “We’ll be right there,” I called back. “We’re talking about this later,” I promised Lorian.

He glowered back at me.

“How areyouthe one who is irritated right now?”

“What can I say, wildcat? You bring it out in me.”

I squinted at him. “That’s funny. You do the same to me.”

He pulled me close. “You terrified me. Don’t do it again.”

I would have snarled at him, except this time, the words weren’t an order. This time, he said them almost as if pleading with me.

I sighed. How I could go from wanting to punch him in the gut to wanting to jump into his arms within the span of just a few seconds, I would never understand.

“I’ll try. How big of a threat is Conreth to you, Lorian?”

He cupped my face in both of his large hands. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, Prisca. I’m more powerful than my brother.”

“That’s not exactly a secret. But…he has an entire army at his disposal.”

“To kill me would risk a fae war. He wouldn’t take that chance. But I don’t want you alone with him.”

He watched me until I nodded. He knew his brother better than I did. Knew exactly what he was capable of. I could live with that. “Fine. Don’t think I don’t know you’re avoiding the real question. He’s keeping you in line somehow. And I want to know how.”
