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“One of his spies has located it. The fae need it. And the hybrids need the fae to be as powerful as possible since they could end up being our only allies. Not to mention, Lorian needs to protect his people. It’s how he was built. No matter what his brother did to him, he can’t turn his back on him.”

Asinia shook her head at me. “So you threatened to leave him unless he agreed to go after the amulet?”

“Not exactly.”

She folded her arms. “I love you, Pris, but if he’d manipulated you that way, you would have vowed revenge. You’ve taken his choice away. He wouldn’t do that to you.”

I stared at her. Clearly, Lorian had been working his charms on my best friend. “He would do it in asecondif he thought he was protecting me. If he could, he would haul me over his shoulder and dump me somewhere well guarded until this war is over. Since he can’t, he’s doing everything he can to make sure I’m as strong and well trained as possible. But make no mistake, Lorian would do the exact same thing.”

“Then I suppose you’re perfect for each other.” Asinia turned away.

I caught her hand. “Sin.”

“I’m sorry, Pris. I just don’t want you to become someone you’re not. This war is going to change all of us. Answer one question honestly, and I’ll leave it alone.”

I nodded. “Anything.”

“Did some part of you decide to send him away because you think it will be easier that way? Because you’ve fallen in love with him, and you don’t think you can be together? Because you’re trying to protect your heart from any further damage?”

Tears stung my eyes. She hauled me into her arms. “I thought so.”

“It was the right choice,” I whispered.

“Maybe. For both kingdoms. But not for you, Pris.”

Asinia was right. I wanted to protect Lorian. But I also wanted to protect myself. My memory painted Lorian’s expression into my mind. The resolved, determined look he’d given me right before he promised to leave.

He knew. He knew, and he’d promised anyway. Because Lorian was nothing if not patient.

I pulled away and took a deep breath. “When I’m with him…I’m a better person. I’m stronger. Braver. Smarter. He makes me face the demons I want to hide from. And he teaches me how to kill those demons myself.”

The thought of not having him around…it made me want to roar my frustration.

“Maybe that’s what love is. Finding someone who brings out the best in you.”

“That’s the problem,” I murmured, careful to keep my voice low. “Since he met me, Lorian has committed treason, defied his brother, and prioritized our hourglass over the amulet. He brings out the best in me, and I bring out the worst in him.”

“Maybe you should let him be the one who decides that," Asinia said.

Lorian appeared, his gaze sweeping over me, as if I might have somehow become injured in the few minutes he’d been gone. Our eyes met. Had he heard the last part of our conversation?

Demos stepped back into the cave behind Lorian. “We found somewhere for us to sleep tonight.” His voice had an undertone of suppressed excitement, and I raised one eyebrow. Asinia got to her feet, holding out her hand, and I let her haul me up.

Cavis handed Lorian his waterskin, and Lorian gave me a look of dark promise. “You’re going to like this, wildcat.”

We picked up our packs and followed Demos out of the cave. He rolled his shoulders, and Asinia elbowed me with a smirk. It wasn’t often that Demos seemed this pleased by something. Especially recently.

He led us away from the main series of caverns and to the right, through several caves that got progressively larger. Slowly, the air became noticeably warmer, the heat gently massaging the goose bumps from my skin. We rounded a bend, and my heart thrummed against my ribs as a soft amber glow broke through the shadows.

A natural pool, with steam rising from the surface. Large enough to comfortably hold ten or more people, it carried the faint scent of damp earth and minerals. The tinkling sound of a small waterfall danced through the air, and I craned my head. The water dripped down the side of the cave wall and into the pool, continually recirculating the water.

“There are several of them,” Demos said, nodding to another cave entrance. “I found at least five more, all of them in this area.”

Cavis stepped closer, dropped his hand into the water, and smiled. All of us could use a bath.

“We’ll take turns,” Lorian said. “Demos and Thol first. Then we’ll switch.”

We filed out. All of us except Asinia. I gave Lorian wide eyes, and he smiled, throwing his arm around my neck and steering me into the smaller cave several caverns away. With only one opening to guard, it would mean only one of us had to be on watch at any one time.

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