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I reached for my power. It hurt, but I pulled anyway, my nose trickling blood. Time stopped. Including Lorian. I stepped onto the dirt path and slit the throat of the man closest to me. I was standing next to the one in front of Lorian when time resumed without my input. I thrust my knife into his back.

Lorian’s eyes turned feral, and he caught my wrist, dragging me behind him as the guard groaned.

“That was dangerous and reckless.”

“Says the walking pincushion currently beheading people.”

“I could have swung my sword before I knew you were there,” he growled. “I could have fucking beheaded you.”

I ignored that. His reaction time was lightning-fast. “If you’re going to question him, you should do it now.”

“We’re having a conversation about this later.”

I just sighed, gesturing to the man who’d fallen to his knees. The guard paled as Lorian stepped closer. “How did you know where we were?”

“Fuck you.”

Lorian glanced at me. “Look away, wildcat.”

I shook my head. If I was going to partake in murder, I wouldn’t avert my eyes like a coward. Lorian’s jaw tightened, but he turned his attention to the guard.

“I can make your death quick, or I can make it long and excruciating.”

“I didn’t know. I just follow orders,” the guard snarled. His face was ashen now, and he glanced at me as if for mercy. My breath caught in my throat.

“Don’t look at her,” Lorian breathed. “Look atme.”

The guard ignored him, his expression hardening. “You’re going to suffer,” he told me. “King Sabium has big plans for you.”

Fury twisted my gut. Lorian swung his sword, and this time, I did look away.

“We need to go now,” I said tonelessly when it was done.

“We’ll talk about this,” he promised darkly. He didn’t mean the guard. He was still annoyed about my getting involved. Turned out I could still freeze him after all—even with his power.

I planted my hands on my hips. “Where’s your horse? We need to get out of here.”

* * *

I was getting really tired of the men in my life taking arrows for me.

Especially when they refused to use any kind of sense.

“You’re being ridiculous,” I hissed.

Lorian nodded at the brackweed salve. “Give it to me.”

“I can do it,” I snapped.

He held out his hand.

Since Lorian was a stubborn, unreasonable man, he still hadn’t allowed me to pull the arrows from his body. Under his watchful gaze, I’d already boiled water, rinsing out the wound onmyarm. And while I’d silently ground my teeth against the pain, Lorian had acted like I was twisting a knife in his own wounds, his expression thunderous.

Meanwhile, I could scent his blood. It was making me nauseous.

“What happens if you bleed out because you’re being a stubborn bastard?”

He gave me a cool look and took the salve. “It will take more than a few arrows to kill me.”
