Page 18 of Siren

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Garrick? Yes, that’s it. Garrick Titon.

“What are you doing here?” She turned the question back on Bastian. “Aren’t you supposed to be off in the woods somewhere with my father, trying to kill boars or something?”

“Deer. He hunts deer. And no.” Bastian stepped closer until the tips of his shoes pressed against the tops of her toes. The thin leather of her flats offered zero protection. “I didn’t go on the trip with him.”

“Ah.” She nodded, desperately searching her mind for something to say. Anything to make him go away.

“Didn’t I warn you about meeting with Ares?” Garrick piped in, moving in and crowding her further. The other patrons at the bar all seemed to have evaporated into thin air. She’d been one of a crowd a moment ago, but now it seemed it was just her and these two brutes.

“You did.” Ariella nodded in agreement. “He’s not here. See?”

“You’re still trying to track him down,” Garrick stated. How did he know that? She glanced behind her. Shouldn’t her drink have come already? But when she found Barnaby, he was at the far end of the bar, her drink nowhere in sight.

Her gaze flickered from Bastian to Garrick and then back. Both were scowling at her as though she’d committed some great sin against them, but all she’d done was ask if Ares Morgan was even in the club. She didn’t need Bastian’s permission to leave the house or the city. And she owed Garrick absolutely nothing.

“My business is none of your business.” She stood up straighter, lifting her chin. Her insides quaked, but best not to let them see her weaknesses.

“Your business is every bit mine.” Bastian moved to stand in her eye line. “Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here in Kassel? And why you’re trying to find Ares Morgan?”

She swallowed hard, clinging to the idea that she could stand her ground for a few more minutes.

“I’d rather not.” She grinned. “It’s nothing you need to worry about, Bastian.”

“Does your father know you’re here?”

His question raised her blood temperature ten degrees. “My father has nothing to do with this.” She fisted her hands tighter, and one of the bills ripped.

“If you’re not going to tell me what’s going on, you’re going home,” Bastian stated matter of factly. She wasn’t going to fall for that line of crap. He would try to take her home even if she confessed everything. She needed to get away from him and fast. If she left with him, if she got into a car with him, that would be the end of it. She’d never get away.

“Fine.” Ariella exaggerated a heavy sigh and slumped her shoulders. “It’s nothing, really it’s not, but I don’t want to discuss it here.”

Bastian eyed her a long moment. “All right. We’ll go up to Garrick’s office.”

“No.” She shook her head, moving her gaze to Garrick. “It has nothing to do with him. I’d rather just talk to you.” Slightly true. Neither of them looked willing to listen to her, and they made her stomach shake with the firmness of their stares. But Bastian was at least known to her. And better the beast you know.

Bastian stepped back, giving her more space to breathe - and run. But she wasn’t that foolish. She remained right where she stood. Bastian turned toward Garrick.

“I’ll take her back to my hotel. I’ll call you later tonight.”

Garrick’s eyes narrowed in on her. He didn’t trust her. That much was easy to discern. Hell, he looked like he wanted to shake her.

Garrick nodded then turned his gaze back to her. “Ares Morgan isn’t going to step foot in here. I’ve blocked him from this club.”

“When?” She found herself asking because he’d been there the other night. Maybe they’d been wrong.

“After you were here looking for him.”


She forced herself to stay calm and not climb his thick form to smack him.

“Okay.” She cleared her throat, then shoved her money back in her purse. “I assume my drink is on the house again since you’ve scared off the bartender before I could pay my bill.”

The left side of Garrick’s mouth kicked up. “Assuming is a nasty habit.”

“I’ll pay the tab,” Bastian cut in.

“No need. It’s taken care of.” Garrick unfolded his arms from across his chest and stepped to the side. “Look forward to the call later. I’d like to hear how this all plays out.”
