Page 69 of Naga's Ova

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Behind me, I can hear my father sniffling. Zalith takes my hands in his, squeezing them with the reassurance of love.

“I ask both of you to declare consent for this union before Vatia, our Goddess of Fertility and Creation.”

Zalith winks at me again, signaling for me to go first.

“Zalith, I stand here before you to make an undying promise in the name of Vatia. I swear to you that I will be faithful for the rest of my days, and to stand strong with you through illness and hardship. Nothing else would make me happier than to remain with you for life.”

“Rory, I knew there was something special about you when I first laid eyes on you. It’s an honor to look into the eyes of the person who has my heart, and it will remain in your hands forever. Through all the trials and tribulations of life, I’ll be there to help you through everything, in the name of Vatia.”

“Well,” says Shradga. “You may now kiss the bride!”

Our lips lock in a passionate embrace, igniting a thunderous roar from everyone around us. Zalith brings his lips to my ear.

“I love you, Rory.”

“I love you, too, Zalith.”



Seven days and seven nights after the impromptu wedding ceremony, things have settled down for the most part. In the strangest of ways, I was glad to get married on the battlefield. Not only was I able to pledge myself to Rory for life sooner rather than later, but it meant I got to forego a lot of the customs and nonsense that come with royal weddings.

Or so I thought. My parents have been organizing event after event since we returned to the palace to make up for the lack of a proper venue. Tonight will be the sixth consecutive party in a row. At this point, I don’t know how much more I can take.

Rory and I are getting dressed for the occasion in my quarters.

“Zalith, I’m not sure if I can handle another feast this evening,” she laughs. “At this point, the best gift your parents can give us is the chance to lie down and sleep for the week.”

“You can say that again,” I chuckle. “But hey, at least this beats having to deal with Vippera and her shenanigans, right?”

“True. I’m just having a laugh, no actual complaints on my side. Honestly, though, I’m still in shock at how your parents have welcomed me into the castle with open arms.”

“You’re not the only one who’s surprised, given how traditional they are. Hell, I still remember how hesitant they were to have humans even as servants in the castle.”

“I wonder why the sudden change,” she says in a reflective manner.

“They see how happy you make me. On top of that, I think they know they won’t be around forever, and that society is constantly evolving. A world grows stagnant when there’s no change.”

“Wise words from a future King.”

There comes a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it,” I tell Rory.

I’m greeted by Slyth.

“Zalith, there’s been a small change of plans.”


“Apologies for the short notice, but the King and Queen have decided that tonight will mark the official coronation of Rory as Princess of Lodra.”

I recoil in surprise, glancing over my shoulder at Rory as her back is turned.

“Alright,” I reply. “Thank you Slyth. See you later.”

My servant leaves before making a swift exit. By now, he’s more than just a servant. Over the last few days, he’s taken on more responsibilities regarding diplomatic matters.
