Page 74 of Naga's Ova

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“Fuck,” he pants as he pulls all the way out. Nothing leaks between my legs and the pressure stays as if he never left me. I’m not sure why but that fills me with satisfaction.

Zalith sits back, staring down at my body as a grin plays along his lips. His hand lightly brushes along my stomach, and I look down to see the slight bump there now.

“You look so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, and I am bursting with pride. “You will look so perfect carrying my children.”

Maybe I should feel scared at the prospect of eggs hatching inside of me, but all I feel is excitement and love for my mate and my growing family. I cover his hand with mine, pressing down lightly, and smile up at him.

“I’m ready.”



Aweek has passed since the epic battle that took place in Rory’s hometown village. The damage has been catastrophic but not a single resident has complained. I think they’re just grateful the good guys won, no matter what it cost.

I sit now with my close friends Rory and Zalith at the dinner table where each of us is engrossed in conversation. We’re discussing the need for change in Lodra, talking about the possibilities for more amenities in the villages.

“I suggest that the two of you pay more royal visits to these human settlements. That way, you’re showing them that their needs are being considered, that they have a pair of higher-ups listening to them.”

“Happily,” replies Rory. “I want to see better conditions for all humans in this region. It shouldn’t just be me that gets to live a good life.”

“Spoken like an honorable leader,” remarks Zalith.

He takes Rory’s hands, stroking them as they gaze lovingly into one another’s eyes. They turn to me at the sound of my chuckling.

“I’m happy for both of you,” I tell them. “I think that you’ll make fine rulers of Lodra one day.”

“Hopefully that day does not come soon. After all, it would take for my parents to pass away in order for us to ascend to the throne.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that for now,” says a reassuring Rory. “Your parents are still relatively young, and move quite well for their age.”

“Rest assured, the future of Lodra and its people are in good hands,” I tell them. “Plus, you two still have a say in the lawmaking and running of the city, so no need to wait until you’re King and Queen to try implementing changes.”

“Maybe Father and Mother will finally pay me a listening ear,” says Zalith, raising his eyebrows.

“Well, they better,” remarks Rory. “After all, we saved Lodra. Anyway Slyth, in our eyes, your say is as good as ours so don’t hesitate to make any suggestions on your part.”

The position of Royal Advisor is one that I exercise with the utmost respect, knowing just how important it is to the King and Queen.

“Thank you, Rory, that means a lot to me.”

The couple raises their glasses, and I return the gesture.

“A toast to Slyth!” exclaims Zalith. “You may have held the title of servant all these years, but you have always been something far more important. My best friend.”

“I live to serve,” I chuckle.

“We wouldn’t be sitting here enjoying a nice meal if not for you Slyth,” says Rory. “You saved the day many times.”

“Well, all of us are a team. I couldn’t be who I am without either of you, and I promise to continue giving you my best performance day in, day out. To all of us!”

We clink our glasses and drink our wine. After a while of eating and chatting about much more trivial matters, I glance out the window to see that the time is growing late. Rising from the table, I excuse myself.

“Thank you for dinner,” I say. “Alas, I must be off to my office.”

“At this hour?” gawks Rory.

“Why are you working so late?” asks Zalith with a concerned look.
