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Sav glanced at me, and I realized I was supposed to have said something in return, but I couldn’t remember what it was anymore. I felt drunk on her, leaning forward without conscious thought. She had this magical, magnetic pull that made me gravitate toward her, feeling all these vulnerable and gushy emotions I’d usually pushed down.

Her cheeks seemed to turn the slightest shade of pink, and I leaned in to kiss her cheek.

She quickly turned her head, catching my mouth and kissing me back. Our bodies melded together. My arms went around her waist while hers went around my neck. She tugged me closer, and I held her tight. We got lost in each other again, kissing like the world might be ending soon.

In a way, my life was ending. The way I’d always known it to be. The singledom I’d proudly protected. The aversion to complicated relationships with women. I’d always had one eye on Sav and hadn’t even realized it. All of this led me closer to wanting more. I was both soothed and terrified by it.

We pulled apart but stayed close. Our noses brushed, and she smiled. My heart skipped a beat.

I rubbed my nose against hers, and she giggled.

I loved her giggle.

I wanted to do lame romantic things like this all the time if it meant pulling more of those heavenly sounds out of her.

“Go out with me,” I said quietly.

She bit her lip as she nodded. “Okay. Yes.”

I snorted. “That was easy.”

“You only had to buy me an espresso machine. The thought of rich lattes and perfectly foamed milk apparently makes me easy.”

“I wished I’d known that years ago,” I joked. “I’d have planted coffee trees in my yard, maybe raised a dairy cow or two.”

We grew quiet and stared into each other’s eyes. I loved how the green was separated by dark speckles, making it look like a deep forest where I wouldn’t mind getting lost. Her scent filled my nostrils, and my cock stirred in my jeans.

There’s no way I could wait long to claim her.

I wanted to make her mine.

“Tonight,” I said. “Let’s go somewhere nice. Wherever you want to go.”

A bell jingled on the main floor, and we jumped apart. I’d forgotten we didn’t really have any privacy, and I’d been holding her. Anyone could have seen us. Jackson, Sean, or anyone who wandered by.

Sav smoothed her hair and headed for the door. She spun around and smiled brightly. “Thanks for making my day.”

My chest swelled with pride. “Seeing you so happy made mine.”

She smiled dreamily as she turned back around and headed out of the office.

I stared at the espresso machine and pulled out the manual. I wanted to set it up for her and get a jumpstart on how to use it.

Making her day really had made mine fantastic. The delighted smile on her face was like some kind of gift. Sav was going to have to get used to little surprises from me, because I wanted to see that smile aimed at me a lot more.



“I’m soglad you texted me,” Penny said, placing her duffle bag on my loveseat and zipping it open. We were in my living room, and I was preparing for my date with Chris. She started digging around in the bag. “I haven’t been anywhere but work and home for a few weeks now.”

After Chris officially asked me on a date, I texted her as soon as possible, asking for her help to get ready. I also filled her in on what happened between us the night before, including me admitting to being a virgin. We agreed that it was highly likely I was a few short hours away from sharing that special moment with the man I’d always fantasized about.

She placed a curling iron on the table, a pair of sky-blue heels, and her makeup kit. Then she turned and sat on the edge of the couch, arranging the items and side-eying me. “I haven’t been getting any invites to come over for drinks. Seems like you’ve been too preoccupied dating multiple guys.”

My cheeks heated as I looked away. “Oh, shut up. One dinner with Lucas doesn’t qualify as dating. And I guess tonight is just one date too. There’s always the chance he’ll change his mind.” It didn’t seem likely after everything he’d said, everything we did, but the old doubts kept trying to creep in.

She stared at me for a long moment, not saying anything. I stared right back. Finally, she sighed. “Sav, you need to believe in yourself more. You hold power here, too, not just Chris. You two have been dancing around each other for years. Either woman up and take what you want or leave the man alone.”
