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Grampa encouragedme to take a few days off work. He said I could return on Saturday to cover for him, and I agreed. I didn’t like leaving him alone every day, but he claimed the business from our clear-out sale was slowing down anyway. And Sean went over in the afternoons and evenings to help

I stayed away from the bookstore during those days because I knew Chris would be there. It was the longest I’d been away from the place at one stretch in years. Even with Chris possibly being there, I looked forward to getting back there the next day.

I spent a lot of time at Penny’s house, where she did a great job trying to distract me. But when the subject of Chris came up, she encouraged me to call him. She thought I was making a huge mistake if I ended things.

I thought so too. The longer I spent away from him, the more I missed him. The mistakes I’d made didn’t seem so bad after a few days, but how could I be sure?

I was stuck, not knowing what to do. I thought maybe once I got back to work and in a regular routine, things might seem clearer.

I needed some groceries since I planned to give Penny some space and stop moping around her house so much. With a baby and a husband, she didn’t need me there underfoot all the time.

While I was on my way to the store, Sean called me. When I explained I was on a grocery run, he said, “Can you stop by while you’re out?”

“Sean, I really just want to get what I need and go home.”

“Please, sis? I owe you an apology, and I want to do it in person. You need groceries, right? So come over for dinner. Let’s talk.”

I couldn’t find a good reason not to go. When I knocked, Nicole opened the door and gave me a tight hug. “How are you holding up?”

I cringed. “Sean told you everything, I guess?”

“Yes,” he said, coming around the corner. “That’s what happens when you ask someone to marry you. You tell them things.” He kissed her cheek and pulled me away from her into another tight hug. “Come sit down.”

We sat on the couch together, and he took my hand.

“Big brothers have a code, you know? You watch out for your siblings. Anybody hurts them, it’s your job to fix it. To protect them. And since you’re all I’ve got, I feel extra protective of you.”

“I know, Sean.”

“But I was an asshole the other day. I popped off without thinking, and I made an already upsetting situation worse. I’m sorry, Sav. I want you to understand why I did, because I love you, but I know I had no right to act that way.”

I squeezed his hand. “I do understand, Sean.”

“Good. Then we’re okay, you and me?”

“We’re okay.”

Sean and I were okay. I didn’t know what Chris and I were.

“The wedding . . . what are you going to do?”

He frowned. “Get married?” he said, as if I was losing my mind.

“I mean, after everything, with you and Chris?”

“We talked. We’re good.”

I heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God. I was so worried that all of this would mess something up for you.”

“Nope. But I’m going to tell you what I told him. It hurts that you lied, but I understand why you thought you needed to. No more of that, okay? You talk to me about things, like you used to. I’m here for you, no matter what.”

He hugged me again, and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

“Have you talked to Chris?” he asked.

“Not since the next morning. Sean, I don’t know what to do.”

“Do you love him?”
