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Damn it,Blake. Do your fucking job.

My team and I were at the gala to protect the governor and his family. I couldn’t afford to be distracted and usually wasn’t. I’d done security work for years with no problems.

But the stunning woman in the sleeveless, black cocktail dress was making it almost impossible for me to focus on anything but the thought of my hands roaming over her mouth-watering body.

I couldn’t stop zoning in on her no matter where she was in the room. Normally, I kept a bead on my target at all times, like an automated laser sight programmed to a singular focus.

Every time this woman moved, it drew my eye. Her graceful movement was impossible to ignore as she effortlessly glided across the floor.

There was an energy about her that pulled me.

I watched from the first-floor balcony for an overview of the entire ballroom. I was tempted to go down into the crowd to approach her for a better look.

I wouldn’t. That would be irresponsible. But my dick kept trying to convince me to do it.

Just looking at her made me sweat, and I’d only seen her from the back.

I wanted her to turn around so I could see the rest of her. I’d only caught glimpses of the side of her face. But she had the most perfect, fantasy-inducing body I’d ever seen.

Her presence was proving dangerous because I would have rather admired her all night than watch the crowd I was paid to monitor. My only hope was that she’d leave early. If not, I was going to have a hell of a hard night trying to keep my eyes on the governor instead.

The woman brushed her long, brown hair over her shoulder and took a step backward. She started to turn away from the man she was talking to, but he touched her arm and stopped her.

She was clearly uncomfortable. As he talked and moved closer, she stepped backward again.

The guy had a pink face, like he’d gone overboard with the alcohol. His hand stayed on her arm as she lifted it and tried again to step away. His grip tightened.

Hell no.

Andrew, my top man, glanced up at me as I moved to the staircase. I pointed at my eyes and then at the governor to let him know to watch him.

I was halfway down the winding stairs when he signaled back. Within only a few seconds, I was almost in front of the drunk idiot putting his hands on the woman I couldn’t stop looking at.

She pulled her arm away, and he reached to put a hand on her shoulder. She took a quick step backward, too quick, and her heel tilted. She stumbled, but I was behind her in a second and caught her with my hands on her hips.

That perfect heart-shaped ass landed against my crotch and I almost thanked the asshole who’d made her trip.


“You alright, ma’am?” I said. “Did you turn your ankle?”

She took a quick, sharp breath and straightened to test it. “No, thank you. I-I’m fine.”

The man stared at her. I didn’t like the look in his eyes.

“Sir, the lady has other guests to speak with, as I’m sure you do too,” I said in a tone that made it clear he didn’t have a say in it. I put a hand on her shoulder and led her away from him.

“Are you alright?” I asked, softer, my eyes still on the creep who was already grabbing another drink.

She said yes, so I finally stopped and looked at the woman I’d helped.

Her bright blue eyes gazed right into me as she smiled. “Thank you so much. He seemed incapable of taking a hint. I thought I was going to have to karate chop him in the neck.” She chuckled and tucked a long, curled lock of hair behind her ear.

She was so fucking gorgeous. I almost forgot how to speak. Her brown hair had just enough red in it to stand out from all the other shades in the room. And her cute little nose sat above full, pink lips that I suspected could bring most men to their knees.
