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Eventually,the beautiful woman approached the governor again. They spoke briefly, then she headed toward one of the narrow corridors that led to lower-level bathrooms and the main kitchen area. I spared a few seconds to watch her incredible ass sway as she walked away.

As my team was checking in, the red-faced bastard who’d harassed the woman before appeared, clearly following her. I tasked Andrew with keeping an eye on Flower Power as I raced to catch up with him before he caught up with her.

I needed to grab that son of a bitch before he so much as breathed in that woman’s general direction.

When I reached them, the man was holding the side of his neck.

“What the fuck?” he said.

The woman held her hand rigid between her and him.

She’d karate-chopped him in the neck. Not terribly effectively, it seemed, but it had stopped him for a second.

That was enough.

I grabbed his shoulder and spun him. “It’s time for you to leave,” I said.

“Yeah? And just who—”

I headbutted him, my forehead cracking against the bridge of his nose. He grabbed his face with both hands and dropped to his knees with a shout.

“That’s who,” I said.

I spoke into the mic for Andrew to send two of the off-duty cops from the crew.

In under a minute, they had his arms and were leading him out the back to avoid drawing attention. I needed to get back out to the ballroom, but I had to make sure she was okay.

“Are you alright?” I stepped closer to her.

“I am now. Thank you.”

“Do you even know karate?” I asked, smiling.

“I do not,” she admitted with a laugh, then she rubbed her hands together.

She was trembling.

I took off my suit jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She grabbed the lapel and pulled it tight around her as she gave me a soft smile. I kept my arm around her.

All I’d wanted to do since I touched her for the first time was find a way to get my arm around her again. I hated that it hadn’t been under better circumstances.

“What you lacked in strength and skill, you apparently made up for with the element of surprise.”

“You think?” she asked nervously, acting almost like she wanted to hide inside my jacket.

I put my fingers under her chin to lift her face towards mine. “I do. Youshowedhim.”

Her face was inches away from mine.

The smile she gave me was breathtaking.

Fuck. I wanted to see it again. Preferably from where she rested her head on one of my pillows.

But most importantly, I was determined to make sure she’d be okay before I led her back out into the room. I’d get two other people on the governor so I could escort her to a waiting car.
