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“No, Callie. That's not what I thought at all,” I huffed.

“Good. Then why are you so...” She gestured up and down at me, as if she couldn't find the right word.

“Pissed?” I snapped.


“Why is he always showing up here? Always calling and texting you?”

“I told you. We're friends. He came to get his jacket and–”

I gently took her shoulders in my hands. “Callie, he's angling for a chance with you. It wasn't even like he jerked his shirt on and got the hell out of here. He took his time, made sure I saw him before he got it on. He's challenging me, because he thinks he can get you.”

Callie laughed. “Is this a man thing, being jealous like this? Andrew is just…Andrew. You're reading way too much into everything.”

Was I? Maybe. But I'm not the jealous type. If someone didn't want to be with me, why would I get jealous about that? I figure a person is better off knowing if someone isn't fully committed.

I didn't want that to be the case with Callie. Idesperatelydidn't want that to be the case with her.

“I think it's more that you're not seeing what's right in front of your face. He knows we're together. That alone should have him back off at least a little, not find excuses to stop by and undress for you.”

Callie scoffed, and I wanted to kiss her pretty, pouting mouth, but I was still far too worked up. “Blake, you're being ridiculous. You're acting like Andrew and I are having some kind of affair behind your back.”

I laced my fingers together behind my neck. “Does he think you are?”

“Whatare you talking about?” She put her hands on her hips. “Of course not, since that's just not true.”

“I trust you. You say nothing's going on? Okay. But he very well may think there is. What with you letting him come over, and all. You offering him my shirt. You texting and talking so often with him. He might think he's on the path to hooking up with you even though he knows you're with me.”

She crossed her arms and blinked rapidly. "I haven't led him on, if that's what you're saying."

"I'm not saying you've done it intentionally. But I think that's the message you might be sending, even though you don't mean to."

"So I'm…you know what? This is starting to sound like an accusation. And I don't appreciate that."

"Baby, I'm not accusing you. I'm trying to make you see reason." I took a deep breath. "Maybe I should have gone caveman on his ass, tossed him out by his ear, to make sure he understands."

"You can't just barge in here and treat a friend like–"

"I'mbarging innow? I thought it was a great surprise."

"It was! But not with the way you're acting now."

Everything had gone from happy to total shit. Though finding your girlfriend with a shirtless man who has feelings for her would cramp most people's styles, I knew part of the problem was me. I was acting jealous, because I was, and the whole thing just felt wrong.

"You know what?" I held my hands up and grabbed my bag. "I'm sorry I didn't let you know that I was coming. I think it'd be best if I headed out."

"What?" She threw her hands out. "You don't have to leave, Blake. We can talk about this."

"The more we've talked, the worse it's gotten. I shouldn't have shown up unannounced. Won't do it again." I stormed out the door with her following behind me.

“Blake, don’t leave like this! Let’s talk when we’re calm.”

I wanted to. I really did. But I didn't think it would help at that point. But I did cup her cheek, to touch her one more time just in case it was the last chance I had.

"This was a mistake. I'll talk to you later."

“What do you mean it’s a mistake? Blake!”

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