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“So there’snothing going on that I need to know about?” Chelsea stared at me from where she sat behind her desk. “I’m just trying to be sure, Lana.”

She’d summoned me into her office first thing. I felt like my insides were going to shake apart as I sat there.

She’d asked what was going on with Dylan and Todd at Deft Rock yesterday. I didn’t give details, but I pointed out that they had a history of tension and had only recently started to get along again.

She didn’t outright ask me if I was seeing Dylan. I knew that’s what she was really asking. But because she didn’t ask point blank if I was dating or sleeping with Dylan, I felt like I could say no—nothing was going on that she needed to know about.

Deep down, I knew it was a lie. Or at best, a lie by omission. But I didn’t feel like I could or should tell her.

“No. Everything’s fine. Dylan intends to talk to Todd soon and smooth things over.” I swallowed hard, trying to push down the guilt it was causing me to say those things. “They often have words with each other. That’s just been their relationship for years.”

“Dylan seemed pretty worked up over Todd talking to you, that’s all.” She stared at me, waiting for an answer.

“He knows what went on between me and Todd when we were together. He’s just being protective.” Not a complete lie, but certainly not the truth.

Chelsea said, “Okay. Just making sure. Youwillcome to me if anything arises, yes?”

“Of course,” I assured her, then I hurried back to my desk.

I kept to myself for the rest of the day, mostly because of guilt. But I did have a lot of work to finish too. The tasting event was the next day, and I was determined that everything would be perfect.

As I left for the day, planning to go to Dylan’s with my clothes for the event, I saw Todd standing next to my car.

One more day, Lana. Just keep him happy for one more day, then Dylan’s going to talk to him.

“Hey. What’s up?” I said as cheerfully as I could.

“I wanted to apologize. Again,” he said with a sheepish grin.

“You already did, Todd. I accepted your apology, so there’s no—”

“And I wanted to tell you that I’ve never gotten over you,” he blurted, then he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I wanted to call Dylan. I wanted tobewith Dylan. But I wasn’t going to storm off, no matter what Todd said. I wanted to resolve our past like mature adults.

“It’s all water under the bridge. I’ve moved past it, Todd. I hope you will too,” I said sincerely.

“I know our breakup was my fault, and I’ve regretted that every day since,” he continued.

“You cheated on me, Todd. I don’t think you cherished our relationship as much as you imagine now,” I explained calmly.

“Like I said, biggest mistake of my life.” He stepped closer. “And I’m here to ask you for another chance. Can you give me that, Lana?”

Dylan mentioned that morning that he’d broken up with Lisa, because I’d asked where she’d been the day before. I still hadn’t expected this.

“I cared about you, Todd. I still do,” I said honestly. “But no. I’m not prepared to do that. I’ve moved on and you need to do the same.”

The innocent, soft expression he’d worn turned suspicious and hard.

“Is there something going on between you and Dylan?”

“What?” I tried to breathe slowly to keep myself calm. I stared at him, unsure of how to respond. “Todd, I—if you—”

“Fuck,” he hissed, shaking his head. “Moved on with my brother, you mean.”

I hadn’t meant to let it show on my face. But his question had caught me off-guard.
