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“Dylan, that’s not fair. I tried. I didn’t want to hurt him, so I was going to find a way to deny it, but he suddenly knew.” She sniffed. “I wasn’t prepared to tell him yet either.”

“I just don’t understand how you couldn’t hide it. Just another day, Lana,” I raked my fingers through my hair. “Now I’ve got to worry about him going off and doing something stupid and self-destructive.”

“That’s not my fault!” she said. And I knew it wasn’t, but the frustration had gotten the better of me. “I’m not going to be held responsible if—”

“Of course not. I didn’t mean that you would be. I’m just—”

“That’s not how it sounded. Dylan,” she said angrily.

I blew out a breath. “Sorry. Lana, I can’t talk right now. I’ve got to find Todd and calm him down.”

“Dylan, I—”

I hung up and dialed Todd. I had to get a hold of him and calm him down before he ruined all his progress by going off the deep end.

Voice mail.

Great.Not only did I have to worry about Todd making a terrible mistake while he was upset, but Lana had been pissed off too.

All on the day before the Emberox Spirits and Deft Rock tasting.

What else could go wrong?



I glancedaround the taproom to see the guests nodding their heads to the beat of the music and enjoying themselves. The DJ had kept the music playing, and the drinks seemed to be going over really well.

Shane and Vera had been impressed when they showed up a couple of hours before the tasting.

Dylan and Brent had shown them around and now stood next to their table talking to them. Everyone was smiling.

The night was going perfectly for Deft Rock. I was a shoo-in for the next promotion at Berman thanks to this account.

If only things weren’t tense between me and Dylan, I could have relaxed and even enjoyed myself.

I sipped my ice water. I really could have used a drink, but it was important to stay completely professional. Alcohol also might have tempted me to try to talk to Dylan, and that had to wait.

Dylan glanced at me from where he talked to Shane and Vera. He gave me a nod and started to smile, so I nodded back and smiled before turning away.

I didn’t want him to worry about our conversation during the event, and I wanted to keep myself from being tempted to walk over to him.

I hadn’t talked to Dylan since the discussion about Todd over the phone. Ihadfelt like he was accusing me, and that still stung.

I’d almost called him right back after he hung up. Then I realized he had a lot on his mind worrying about Todd, and I decided to give him some space, at least until after the event.

Everything could wait that long. The most important thing was that the tasting went off without a hitch first.

Someone shouted, a sort of high-pitched cheer that drew my attention. Several heads turned toward the doorway where the sound came from.

Oh no.

Todd stepped further into the room. He seemed to be talking to people as he passed them, his voice loud but not loud enough that I could make out most of what he said. I heard Dylan’s name a couple of times, though.

People were smiling awkwardly and looking at each other as he passed them. He stumbled but caught himself.

He’d clearly gone off the wagon.At the worst possible time.

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