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“A promise I fully intend to keep,” I said as she laughed then kissed me again.



I stoppedthe video with the remote I held.

“What do you think?”

Dylan sat at the table next to me with his arms crossed.

He nodded. “Sharp. Professional. But I expect nothing less from you anyway.”

We’d just watched the new TV ad spot for the Deft Rock and Emberox Spirits brand of hard seltzer. I’d pitched the idea to Vera, who loved it. Brent thought it was great too.

“It obviously fits with the other commercial, it feels like part of the whole, but it still brings in something new,” Dylan said. “The ‘serious refreshment for fun-loving adults’ is great.”

“Thanks. Vera loved that too and is thinking about making it the brand’s new tagline,” I admitted, a little proud I’d come up with it.

Since we were alone in the room, Dylan leaned over and pulled me close to kiss me. “I love it too. And you, of course. But if it had sucked . . .”

“You’d have told me. I know,” I added with a laugh, pushing him away. “How are the latest numbers?”

“They’re fucking fantastic, baby,” he said, turning serious. “We’ve got sales numbers for the entire first year of our collaboration, and profits are continuing to go up. There’s nothing slowing down this train. With the branded merchandise hitting the shelves before Christmas and the hard seltzer already taking off out of the gate, I think the second year’s going to blow the first one away.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” I said with a grin.

“And the line of non-alcoholic drinks rolling out after that opens the market up even more,” he added.

We’d been working on the non-alcoholic drinks for a while, unsure whether it was going to be a good business move or not. But we both felt strongly about it, in no small part because of Todd.

It seemed like a way to honor him as Dylan’s brother to have those kind of drinks available, not just in stores, but in the taproom too.

Vera and Shane had fortunately been on board with the idea, and all the market research we had said it was going to be a good financial move too.

Dylan’s phone buzzed, and I could tell by his smile that it was Todd. I stood and busied myself doing other things to give him a little privacy, but I could still hear Dylan’s side of the conversation.

“Next week? That’ll be great. Tell Lisa we’re looking forward to seeing her,” he said.

Todd had gotten back together with Lisa not long after his and Dylan’s fight at the tasting event. And it had taken most of the year, but he and Dylan were on much better terms.

He’d accepted that Dylan and I were together and had apologized to me with such sincerity that I forgave him.

I apologized to him too, admitting that I’d been attracted to Dylan before Todd had even shown up, and that I hadn’t handled things very well from the beginning either.

The conversations had been difficult, but we all felt so much better afterward. I was so relieved that Dylan and Todd were getting along, especially since I thought Dylan was going to ask Todd something that he never would have had things still been tense between them.

“Are you going to ask him during this visit? There’s not much time left, you know,” I said when he got off the phone. “Barely a month.”

Dylan got up and sauntered towards me. “Barely a month? For what? Hmm, what am I forgetting about?” He wrapped his arms around me, pinning me to him at the waist and leaning me back to kiss me. “Has something slipped my mind?”

“It’s nothing important,” I replied cheekily.

He gasped, feigning shock. “How could you? Nothing important?”

I turned my head with a laugh, but he kissed my cheek anyway.

“I’m going to ask him this time. He really has accepted our relationship, so I believe he’ll say yes.” Dylan smiled at me, his deep brown eyes sparkling. “If not, I’ll ask Brent.”

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