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I sighed. “Yeah, he was able to get his life back on track. It just worries me when I start seeing the same behavior again. I hope he has it under control.”

Lana nodded. "You're a good big brother. Todd is lucky to have you."

“He’s lucky to have you too,” I said softly.

Wishing that it was me instead.

I cleared my throat. “Are things going ok with you guys?”

She blinked fast. Nodded. Swallowed hard. “Things have been a little up and down, but that’s normal right? Todd’s a good guy.”

“Yeah, he is. When he wants to be. Thanks for being patient with him, Lana.”

She straightened and wrapped her arms around herself as she let out a deep breath.

Lana flashed me a tight smile. “Enough about Todd. How have you been?”

“Busy,” I said honestly. “The divorce is all but final if her lawyer would stop nitpicking everything. It’s been a nightmare, and I’m ready for it to be over.”

“I can’t even imagine,” she said. “It’s so sad when people split up, especially when they can’t be civil afterward.”

“Oh, we’re civil enough. She’s just got a shark lawyer she won’t say no to.” I leaned my head back against the wall. “I’m not even mad at her anymore. I just want the whole thing behind me.”

Lana was looking at me with surprise, so I shrugged. “We got married too young. I was twenty-four, and she was only twenty-one. So when things started going south, I guess she wasn’t mature enough to deal with it. And she cheated. It upset me at first, but then I realized I didn’t even care that much. It had been over in my heart for a long time anyway.”

Lana shook her head. “Wait, she cheated onyou?”

“Wonders never cease, huh?”

I had to laugh at her baffled expression. A moment of silence stretched between us.

Then she sighed heavily and rested her head on my shoulder.

Lana snapped her head up, like she’d done something wrong. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Rest. You look like you’ve had a long day.” I held my breath until her temple touched my shoulder again.

“I am really tired. I’ve been taking extra shifts, trying to cashflow my way through this last semester and keep my student loans from getting out of hand. I did a double shift yesterday, and one this morning too. Just need a good night’s rest.” She inhaled deeply and relaxed against me a little more.

After a few minutes, Lana’s breathing was deep and steady. She’d fallen asleep. I leaned my head against hers, inhaling the flowery scent of her hair.

Lana stirred slightly, murmuring something softly. I instinctively put my arms around her and she nuzzled against my chest.

“I regret not calling you,” I whispered, knowing she couldn’t hear me. “Explaining the ring. I regret that so fucking much.”

Todd didn't deserve Lana. And if I’d had any idea that he might treat her this way, I wouldn’t have held my tongue. I’d have made a move early on.

I should never have let the fact that he was my brother stand in my way.

Lana’s phone vibrated. She opened her eyes and realized she’d fallen asleep on my shoulder.

She straightened with a deep sniff and looked at her phone. It chimed with a voicemail and she played it on speakerphone.

“Sorry about that, Lana,” Todd said, slurring like he was still drunk. “I’ll leave right now and come get you.”

I quickly dialed Todd before he had a chance to do anything stupid. "I picked her up and I'm taking her home. Don't you dare get behind the wheel, Todd."

Todd argued but eventually gave in.

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