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"It's in the dining room, right?" I asked.

"Yep. And as far I can tell, my grandpa still has no idea. Your grandpa was tasked with keeping him in his room while everything was set up. Probably another round of Gin Rummy played for a dime a point."

I followed him to the dining room, where a few dishes waited on a table and another small round one held a gift bag and several cards.

The staff had blown up some balloons and secured them to the middle of a few tables to give the room a festive look.

"Grandpa tells me that Dave's been kind of down lately," I said after Dylan put my things down. "I hope this cheers him up."

One of the staff members carried a cake from the kitchen and needed to put it on the table behind us. Dylan put his hand on my arm to move us out of the way. I felt ridiculous at the thrill I got from that unexpected touch.

"I hope so too. He misses driving." Dylan crossed his arms and shrugged. "I come and take him out to eat, just to ride around, but it's not the same."

We seemed to be standing in everyone's way, so we helped set up the napkins and plastic picnicware, then we moved to stand against the wall. Dylan leaned close enough to me that our arms touched.

"It's a shame we didn't run into each other before, while we were visiting our grandpas," I said without thinking.

I pressed my lips together. Did I just say that out loud?

Was I flirting? More importantly, wouldhethink I was flirting?

Dylan turned, his shoulder against the wall, his arms still crossed.

"It really is," he said with a half-grin. "We could have been gambling in their Gin Rummy games all this time."

I swallowed hard, very aware of Dylan's intense gaze on me.

Hewasflirting.I turned to match his stance and nodded.

"Yep," I said, grinning back. "I'm not a very good gambler, though. And Grandpa James likes to cheat at cards. He'd probably have wiped me out."

"I've got a great poker face. We could have secretly paired up and held our own, I'll bet." Dylan gently bumped my arm with his hand.

A sound as sharp as a shot rang out. I jumped forward and grabbed Dylan. And he put his arms around me protectively. I could feel that firm chest beneath his shirt, and it felt as amazing as I’d imagined.

A couple of the nurses laughed. It had just been an over-filled balloon popping. One picked up the limp blue latex and tossed it into the trash.

Dylan's arms stayed around me, firm and steady.

"You okay?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Just startled, is all." Then I reluctantly stepped back. I felt foolish for lurching at him like that. Maybe being that close to someone as sexy as Dylan Easton was making me jumpy. "Sorry."

"Don't be," he said, his voice low and husky. "I might have popped a balloon myself if I'd thought it would get you to jump into my arms." He winked with a cheeky grin.

I licked my lips, noticing the way his eyes tracked the movement.

I was trying to figure out what to say back when a staff member said, "James is bringing Dave down the hall right now. Get ready!"



"We're not really goingtoyell-yell 'surprise,' are we?" Lana asked, her hands clasped in front of her chin.

She looked like an excited kid waiting for her own party. Her blonde hair was tied up with loose strands framing her gorgeous face, and her blue eyes sparkled with anticipation.

I loved a pretty set of blue eyes. And I loved curvy hips that I could sink my fingers into. The tight leggings Lana wore showed off her perfect ass and shapely thighs. She was a fucking knockout. I couldn't take my eyes off her in the parking lot as we walked in together.
