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I hadn’t seen Todd after the night he blew me off. He’d called the next day, apologizing, saying he thought I’d be ok with the change of venue. It was complete bullshit.

I was meeting Todd tonight. I wanted to have a heart-to-heart with him in person.

I had my mind made up that if Todd didn’t show any remorse, it would be the last time I’d see him.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure where our relationship was going to be by the end of the conversation. I wondered if he even had a clue as to how I was feeling. Or if he even cared.

I had just started getting ready to go out when Todd called.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Babe, I’m just not feeling very well. I’m sure I’m coming down with something.” Todd sniffed, and he did sound a little congested.

“Oh,” I said. “There’s been a really bad bug going around… Want me to bring you some chicken soup?”

Todd chuckled. “Thanks babe, but that’s ok. I don’t want to get you sick. I’m just going to rest and hopefully, we can get talk in a few days when I’m past it.”

“Okay. Feel better.” I stared at my phone after we hung up.

In my gut, I knew he was lying to me. But if there was a slim chance that he was actually sick, I wanted to be there for him. Either way, I had to see him and find out.

I decided it would be a nice gesture to take him some chicken soup.

I put on jeans and a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to see if I needed to make a grocery run.

I stood in front of Todd’s door and knocked, holding the insulated thermos full of soup and orange slices against my chest.

Dylan answered the door. “Hey, Lana.” His smile faded as he saw my glum expression. “Everything ok?”

“Just dropping off a care package for Todd.” My mind was so wrapped up in what I was going to say to Todd, I hadn’t even thought about Dylan being there.

“Care package?” Dylan said, his eyes narrowing.

“Todd said he’s coming down with something. I made him some chicken soup.” I tried to look over Dylan’s shoulder to see if he was on the couch. “Can I come in?” I asked, realizing he hadn’t moved out of the doorway. “How sick is he?”

Dylan sighed and stepped back so I could come in. Then he put his hands on his hips. “Lana . . . he’s not here.”

I stared at Dylan, not surprised at all. “Did he go to the drugstore?”

Dylan looked frozen in place for a moment. Then he dropped his head. “No. He didn’t go to the drugstore.”

I glanced around the living room, knowing exactly where he went.

“Do you want to come in and sit down?” Dylan motioned toward the couch.

I put the container on the coffee table and sat on the couch. I had expected it, but somewhere inside, I’d hoped that I was wrong. A sinking feeling, a cold ball of steel, felt like it was running from my head down my body.

Dylan sat next to me. His T-shirt showed off the winding serpent tattoo on one bicep.

God, why did he have to be so sexy? I forced myself to focus on why I’d come there in the first place.

“If he’s not here, where the hell did he go?” I looked up into Dylan’s eyes with a glimmer of hope that Todd wasn’t really lying. That there was a misunderstanding, or a mistake. That Todd hadn’t called and lied about being sick to go somewhere else.

Dylan sighed heavily and laced his fingers together, his arms resting on his thighs as he leaned forward. “I think he went to the club he goes to all the time. You probably know the one.”

I tried to hold my head high as I nodded. “I do.”

I knew it before I even asked, but hearing it from Dylan somehow made the reality sink in.
