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It seemed that she wanted to point out that she’d dated Todd to make sure I didn’t say anything about us. As if I would tell her coworkers that we’d had one hot night together before she left.

“Thank you, by the way,” I said to her. “For the card. I appreciated that.”

She’d sent a card after my grandpa died, addressed to me and Todd. She’d written inside it about what a special man he was, and how lucky he’d been to have us as grandsons, and how happy it had made her that he’d been her grandpa’s best friend.

After dinner, we toured the rest of the brewery. I was ready for the show to be over long before it was.

When it was clearly winding down, the group followed Brent into another room. Lana moved to follow, but I took her arm to stop her.

“It really is great to see you again. And I appreciate the work you’re putting into this. But I'd like to see you outside of work one of these days," I said. "Maybe I can take you to dinner?"

I moved closer, encouraged by the way she stared at me with those pretty blue eyes. She still wanted me, even if she didn’t intend to let herself have what she wanted because of some boyfriend.

I hoped I could change that.

She swallowed hard and stepped back but didn’t pull free. “Dylan—”

“I’m sorry I never called,” I said quickly. “I should have. But I didn’t want to hold you back. Now that you’re here again,” I stepped closer and looked down at her. “I want to see you, Lana. And I hope you want that too,” I whispered.

She stared long enough that I thought she was going to admit it. But instead, she stepped away, carefully pulling her arm out of my grip. She lowered her head, adverting my gaze.

“We can’t, Dylan.”

"Why not?" I asked, trying not to sound hurt.

Lana gave me an exasperated look. "You know why. You're a client, I'm working on your account. And Ihave a boyfriend."

“Right. Boyfriend,” I said, clenching my jaw.

Maybe this boyfriend was more serious than I realized. The thought made my gut twist.

I had no right to sabotage a relationship that was going well. I had to know if I stood a chance.

I decided to cut to the chase. “Do you love him?”

She snapped her eyes back at me and inhaled sharply. She hesitated for a moment.

“I care about him. But that’s not the point.”

She didn’t love him.

I smiled as I nodded. "Okay.”

“The point is you’re my client now and I’m in a relationship,” she said, sensing my skepticism.

“I could always fire the agency, if that helps,” I said, only half teasing. “If I’m not your client, then that won’t stand in the way.”

She laughed softly, probably thinking I wasn’t serious. “You wouldn’t fire us just to—”

The group came back, interrupting us, so I simply raised my eyebrows as if to say thatmaybe I would.



I was prettysure Dylan wasn’t serious about firing us to eliminate the obstacle of him being my client. But the way he raised his eyebrows was soDylan, it made me miss him even more.

I didn’t let him get me alone again, because I honestly wasn’t sure how long I could hold out if he kept trying to get me to date him. He was the most tempting man I’d ever met, and I was starting to feel weak around him.
