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I hesitated, wondering if I should share about my history with Dylan. But Maddie was one of my closest friends. If anyone would understand, it was her.

So I leaned back in my chair and told her everything.

“Oh my God,” Maddie said, her fists under her cheeks as she took it all in.

“You’d understand why I was already starting to fall for Dylan when Todd appeared right after I’d seen Dylan’s wedding ring.”

I slumped and pressed my forehead against my hand.

“Dylan’s made no bones about wanting to be with me again. And maybe if it was just sex with some guy, you know, just a physical release, a night of fun, I could do it. But I still feel guilty about him being Todd’s brother.”

“Why?” Maddie asked, squinting at me. “You said he cheated on you.”

“I turned down his proposal in front of his family and friends.”

“Very gently, from the sounds of it. You can’t feel guilty about saying no when you meant no, Lana,” she said.

"I know.” I nodded softly.

“It’s like a miniseries,” she said. “Drama at every turn. No wonder there's so much tension.”

“And plenty of guilt,” I said. “It's like the universe's sickest joke, Dylan coming back into my life right when I'm with someone else."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Maddie asked gently.

I paused, the question forcing me to be honest with myself.

"I've been trying to deny it but...deep down I think I do. Seeing him brings up all these old emotions, you know?"

Maddie nodded understandingly. "The heart wants what it wants. You can't help who you have feelings for."

"It just feels like the timing is never right with Dylan," I sighed.

Maddie patted my arm.

“And now, on top of my mixed-up feelings, Austin thinks he can tell me what to do. I still can’t believe he tried to get me to give up the account and cancel the Colorado trip. Didn’t even ask.Toldme to.”

“That pisses me off, and I don’t even know him,” Maddie said.

“Austin’s a good guy, but I think he wants to control everyone around him, and I’m just not down for that. The thing is,I’veeven thought maybe it would be best if I got reassigned and dropped the account.”

I really didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t make things easier on everyone. Especially me.

“Don’t do that, Lana. You’re nailing this account so far. And once you wow Emberox Spirits, you’re on the fast track to top management here, for sure.”

I knew I’d be shooting myself in the foot if I dropped the account now.

“He said we’d be over if I went on the trip.”

“What!?” Maddie’s eyes went wide, looking enraged. “Lana, he can’t control you like that. Huge red flag. You shouldn’t have to choose.”

"Then why do I feel so guilty?" I whispered.

"You shouldn't!" Maddie insisted. "Look, it's clear things aren't working with Austin. Don't stay with him out of obligation if it's not right."

Hearing her say what I thought lifted a weight off my chest. I had been trying so hard to force this relationship into what I wanted it to be instead of what it was.

“Thanks for letting me talk it out, Mads.” I gave her a hug before she left my office.
