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I somehow managed to focus on work for the rest of the day, maybe because I knew I didn’t need to think about Dylan until seven o’clock. I could put it off that long, at least.

Dylan pulled into my driveway fifteen minutes early.



I openedthe door when he was getting out of his car and waited. He didn’t bring dessert or look at me with sad puppy-dog eyes, either. He looked a little angry, if anything.

“Talk to me, Lana. Tell me what’s happened,” he said, before he even reached me.

As soon as he’d stepped through the door, he turned, waiting for me to answer.

I went into the living room to sit on the couch with Dylan following close behind. When I sat, he sat next to me, his thigh against mine.

And despite the way I’d felt all day, like I should end things before I got in any deeper, I wanted to feel his arms around me again.

Dylan Easton was just dangerous to be around. I lost all my common sense the minute he got near me.

“I just think it’s for the best if we keep things professional going forward.” I couldn’t even look him in the eyes when I said it.

Dylan put his fingers under my chin and lifted my face, so I’d look at him.

“Bullshit, Lana,” he said.

“I’m serious.”

“Where’s this coming from? I can’t believe the night we had, and that becoming this. Especially after you did such a fantastic job wowing Vera and Shane.” Dylan’s eyes darkened, and he let out a huff of breath. “Wait, is that what this is about? Vera?”

“No. I mean yes, sort of. I just can’t—”

Dylan nodded. “She was flirting. Openly flirting. I was trying to be friendly, and if it seemed like I was flirting back—Lana, it really was unintentional.”

“Maybe so. But—”

“We only discussed business, Lana. I didn’t flirt or make come-ons or imply that I would give in to any of hers. Just. Business.” He took my hand and squeezed it. “Until I told her all about you, of course.”

“What?” Dylan had told her about us?

“She asked if I was single. I turned her down, and when she asked why, I told her about the only woman I wanted to be with. Then we kept talking business.” Dylan kissed my palm. “I swear to you, that was all that happened.”

“You told her about me?”

I was suddenly nervous that Vera finding out about us would somehow cost me my job.

“I didn’t mention your name.” He moved closer and put his arm around my back. “But I told her enough that she knew I was taken.”

“Dylan . . .” It was harder to talk with my throat tightening up at what he’d said. I cleared my throat. “You’re not.”

“Not what?” he said, leaning closer.

“Not taken.” I almost choked on the words as I said them.

“You really meant that?” he asked quietly. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

“Dylan, we should just keep our relationship professional. It’s for the best. Probably for both of us,” I said quietly.

“It’s not. It’s a terrible idea.” He stared intently, as if he was trying to figure out what I was thinking.
