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My orgasm wasn’t completely finished yet. When he filled me, the contact sent another jolt of pleasure through me. Dylan shouted at the sudden squeeze around him. Then he growled and started rocking into me with abandon, fucking me hard and fast.

Feeling him so desperate to have me only made me wetter. I was sure I was going to come again before he got there.

When Dylan kissed me, his mouth demanding mine submit to the kiss, I felt him swell inside me. His steel-hard cock rubbed all the sensitive places that could bring me pleasure. And when he looked down at me, hungry and almost feral, my whole body shuddered.

I came again, and this time, Dylan came with me.

“Yes!” he shouted, snapping his hips and fucking deep into me. “Lana.Fuck.”

The veins in his neck stood out as the pleasure rippled through him. When he wasn’t kissing me, I watched the tattoo on his chest. I touched it, pleased to be able to. Then I clenched around his cock as the pleasure rolled through me again.

“Nobody but you, Lana,” he said into another kiss. “Just you.”

Despite all my worries and fears last night and all day, it was so easy to believe him when he said it that way. I wanted to believe it.

He kissed my ear and whispered, “Only you, baby.”



“Not only willyou be able to serve the signature drinks in the taproom, but you’ll also be able to sell them in stores. Regionally at first. And if that does well, the plan is national distribution.” Lana clicked the screen to another slide. “All this is contingent on how impressed Vera and Shane are at the tasting, of course. But I’d be surprised if they’re not thrilled by the end of it.”

Lana sat, and Alexander tapped the file in front of him.

“I’ve spoken to Shane. He and Vera mixed some of the recipes at home because they could hardly wait for the tasting. They’re impressed so far. If the drinks are a hit with customers at the tasting, I don’t think there’s anything standing between Deft Rock and full retail distribution. Nationally. Possibly by this time next year, if all goes well. And I think it will,” he said with a huge smile.

I looked at Brent and wondered if he could see dollar signs in my eyes the way I could see them in his.

It was more than the money, of course, but you couldn’t run a successful business poised for steady growth without it.

You couldn’t put food on the table with a sense of accomplishment alone. But that was a big part of what had me feeling great.

That and Lana in my arms again.

I’d spent the night at her house a couple of nights earlier, making love to her well into the morning hours. I hoped I’d finally put to rest her idea that we should keep things professional.

I could never settle for that, and I hated hearing her say it.

Especially since I knew I was completely in love with her.

She smiled at me, clearly thinking about what I’d done to her that morning before we came into the Berman office.

Thinking about what I was going to do to her after she got home from work that night, if I was lucky.

All I wanted was to sweep her off her feet right into my arms.

I’d missed the last several things that people were saying around the conference table. When the meeting broke up, I followed Lana to her office and shut the door behind me. I sat with my hip on the corner of her desk.

“Well?” she asked. “Is it everything you were hoping for? A collaboration, even retail distribution of the prepared drinks. Anything left on your list to tick off?”

She glanced toward her door to be sure no one was coming through it. Then she stepped close, pushing herself between my legs to lean against me and wrap her arms around my neck. “Any unfinished business?”

I kissed her quickly. I wanted more, but I also didn’t want her to be caught in a compromising position. “So much unfinished business,” I said.

“Yeah?” she asked. “Like what?”

I ran my hand down the curve of her ass. “This.” I dared to slip my hand inside her skirt to press my knuckles against the heat of her. “And this. Needs some work, doesn’t it? Got to give this problem a lot of attention.”
