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I nodded and Hutch took my hand as he led me out of the building. He was forward with what he wanted from me, and I liked it that way. It made me feel wanted; like he wasn’t ashamed to touch me or to be seen with me. Maybe he was even proud of it. I just hoped it stayed that way after he saw where I lived.

Chapter Five


I held my breath as I unlocked my apartment door and pushed it open, allowing Hutch inside. I stepped inside behind him and closed the door before I took a look around me.

I obviously knew what my apartment looked like, but it was as if I were looking at it through a different lens. I knew it wasn’t great, but that never really bothered me before. Even when Andrew lived here; I knew we had what we needed (even if it was the minimum), and I had no one to impress. But now, I worried about what Hutch thought of my surroundings, and what they made him think of me.

The carpet was a hideous shade of green, and there were several threadbare spots across it. The living room and kitchen were one space, and held tiny appliances which only worked half of the time, a small dining table, a lopsided couch that had served as my bed for years, and a TV (which was useless, since I couldn’t afford cable) on the floor.

Guilt washed over me when I realized I couldn’t even offer Hutch anything to drink, as my fridge was bare. I could technically give him some water from the tap, but city water tasted disgusting.

I nervously scratched at the back of my head and told Hutch, “I’m sure this isn’t what you were expecting.” I tried to lighten the mood by joking, “At least you can put in your report that you found out what rock bottom looks like.”

Hutch didn’t laugh; instead, he gave me a sympathetic smile and cupped my cheek in his hand. “What matters to me is that you have a roof above you, and somewhere to lay your head. And while I don’t agree that this is rock bottom, I do know that you are only going to rise higher. I’m so proud of you and the steps you’re taking, and I know you’re going to accomplish wonderful things.”

He always knew exactly what to say to lift my spirits and warm my heart. I’d never had anyone believe in me, especially when seeing me at my lowest point. Hutch made me want to be a better person; for him, but also for myself. Even though this path wasn’t what I would have chosen for my life, I was grateful for it because it led me to him.

“Thank you,” I replied quietly, before placing my hand on his cheek as well. While it was scruffy like mine, it wasn’t as soft; his beard was a little shorter than my own, and was bristly beneath my skin. I loved the feel; scratchy but inviting, and purely masculine.

As I caressed his cheek, Hutch’s eyes changed while he gazed at me. They morphed from caring and compassionate to longing and needy. Fire burned behind them as he drew closer.

I knew what was about to happen, but not how to prepare for it, so I just stood there, gawking at him while my heart pounded in my ears. Hutch inched closer, the warmth of his breath fanning across my cheeks.

My lips tingled, as if an electric current of anticipation raced across them. Hutch’s chest pressed against mine, and I could feel that his heart was beating as rapidly as mine.

It felt like an eternity passed before his lips finally touched mine. The realization that I was kissing a man crossed my mind, but it was quickly pushed away by my next realization that I didn’t care. It didn’t matter; man, woman, human, vampire - what mattered was that I was kissing Hutch, and it felt incredible.

I sighed with contentment, and Hutch came alive. He spread my lips apart with his own before plunging his tongue between them. He licked against me, leaving behind the flavor of unbridled lust. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted.

Hutch kissed me hard, tangling his tongue with mine and sank his fingers into my hair, pulling my face against his. It was as if he wanted me as close as possible, and I was happy to oblige. I needed him close too; to feel him, taste him, and swallow his breath.

His hands left my head and slid south until they landed on my ass. He cupped and massaged my cheeks before lifting me off of the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the hard lump of his cock pressing into my thigh. It surprised me, but it didn't scare me. This was all new, but incredible. Everything he did to me felt so right, there was no need to question it - only welcome it.
