Page 83 of The Ash Bride

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Moaning into each other’s mouths, kissing and licking each other in between.

Persephone pushed her hand up against him, rubbing the part of his cock that extended beneath the skin, deeper inside him. As she did, he pulled his fingers out of her and grabbed her hips with both hands, lining himself up with her, and forcing her hand to drop away.

He looked up at her, sweat glistening on his hairline and forehead, a question in his dark eyes. She nodded once, and pushed his hair out of his eyes. He leaned into her touch.

They kept eye contact as the tip of his cock prodded her opening, teasing her. She hiked her hips up to push him inside, but with a smirk he pulled back just enough to stay touching her without sinking inside.

He winked and kissed her, sinking into her. She moaned into his mouth as he filled her, thrusting deeper as she pushed her hips against him. One hand let go of her, sliding between them to rub her clitoris, a shot of pleasure rushing through her with every jerk of his hips.

They ground their hips against each other, rubbing their slick bodies together. Kissing and licking and sucking at their lips and necks and chests.

She bit his earlobe, harder than necessary, and he nibbled her nipple roughly in return.

When she wrapped her legs around her back he pushed deeper inside her and they groaned together as he did. A primal, guttural sound tearing from their bodies.

The tightness of her core melted as he fucked her, building and building into something more inside her. Pleasure rocking through her with every thrust, every touch of his hands electric and hot. She bit down on his shoulder to silence her screams, feeling them grow in her chest, threatening to tear her apart.

“I want to hear you,” he said breathlessly in her ear. “I need to—”

Her screams cut him off. She clamped her eyes shut, stars exploding behind her eyelids as he brought her to orgasm.

With every thrust, more stars exploded behind her lids and her chest expanded with quick, shallow breaths. Lost in herself, in him, she came again and again, his fingers circling her clitoris unrelentingly.

He moved his hand from her, reaching up past her head, and thrusting himself into her once, twice more, harder and slower. Head falling to her chest, sliding against the slick sweat coating their bodies.

She caressed his head, massaging his scalp and neck, dragging her finger lightly along his upper back. Shutting her eyes and letting her own head fall softly to the side, blankets still pillowed around them.

Moments that felt like hours passed, and Hades groaned, lifting his head and squinting at her. “I should go,” he said casually, pulling himself out of her and falling to her side.

He shoved his arm under her neck and slung the other across her stomach, turning her onto her side to face him. When their eyes met, they chuckled quietly together.

“I didn’t think we would do this again,” he said, avoiding her eyes now.

Mumbling her sleepy agreement, she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.


When she woke up Hades was still beside her, an arm over his eyes and laying on his back.

Turning onto her back as well, she stared at the ceiling. The bright canopy was gone, replaced by their wedding mural.

A purple clad woman standing before a man dressed in white, their hands clasped together between them; heavy-looking crowns sat on their heads. Pomegranates, seeds, anderotesfilled the blank spaces of the background to symbolize love and fertility of their union; seated guests lining the edges, acting as a frame for the image.

Nobody smiled. Not a single upturned lip graced the artwork.

Casting a glare at the ceiling, hating every stroke of paint on the stone, she turned over so her back was to Hades.

A hard lump filled her stomach. She had told herself she was doing this, being with Hades, to get back at him for everything he had done to her. Forcing his heart to feel for her what she was sure hers never could for him.

Yet, something had changed between them.

Something warm and fragile rose in her when he looked into her eyes with a soft, delicate warmth. It reminded her of love, but it couldn’t be. She had barely started planning how she was going to make him love her, had only had the idea hours ago.

But it was more than lust, more than a desire that they fulfilled together, more than a quick dispelling of sexual tension.

Hades turned over, his arm draping over her to pull her flush against him warm, bare skin. He kissed her shoulder once, falling back asleep seemingly as he did, head falling back with a quiet thud.

She smiled at his touch, wider as he kissed her and fell back asleep, like he had woken just to touch her. Smiled at the calm feeling in her limbs and chest, the safety she felt snuggled together in the bed they would be sharing. She pressed her back against him, wanting to be even closer to him, and laid her arm on the one he had wrapped around her.
