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“We’re so sorry,” says a lady with her cute little daughter in tow as she exited the neighbor’s house in response to the commotion. “So, so sorry for holding you up. Peter, please move the vehicle,” she instructs the driver. Then, she turns to me. “Would you mind if we parked it there once you leave – just to help us unload? Our driveway is still cluttered.”

I nod in acknowledgment, “Sure, please make sure you’re done by 5:00 pm.”

“We’ll be done by then,” says the little girl.

I smile sweetly at her and say a quick, “Uh-huh,” before driving off. But I feel bad for driving off in such a hurry. She is such a cute kid, and her mother is so kind. They look like lovely neighbors, and I make a mental note to invite them for dinner or send them some homemade cookies.

But I need to reach work. I drive as fast as I can without breaking the speed limit, and I take a few deep breaths to mentally prep myself to exert boundaries and make sure I succeed in maintaining a professional relationship with Adrian from now on. As soon as I step into Adrian's office, his presence is felt immediately, and clearly, mine is too.

He looks up from his laptop with a smug look on his face. His eyes gaze over my body before settling on my chest, and suddenly I remember I’m not wearing underwear. I wonder if he can tell. I hope he can tell. A passionate fire burns through my body. He leans back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head in an arrogant manner as if he is waiting for something. That's when I realize - he thinks that our last night together has given him some kind of leverage over our 'keep it professional' deal.

He stares at me like he's going to devour me in one go so naturally, I raise my chin up slightly in a gesture of defiance.

"Good morning, Olivia," he says in that voice that never fails to get under my skin. "You’re late. Should we finish off what we started last night?" He gives me a sly grin.

The audacity of this man! Does he think we can just pick up right where we left off last night? Before I can stop myself, the words fly out of my mouth. "Don't even think about it, Adrian. I have work to do, and I'm not interested in playing your games. Just because we fooled around together last night doesn't mean anything. It was too much alcohol ... a mistake."

Adrian's grin turns into a tight-lipped frown, and I can tell he doesn't like hearing that. He steps out of his chair and strides towards me, pinning me against the wall as I keep taking steps back. I'm afraid if he comes too close, I'll lose whatever ounce of self-control I still have over me.

"Don't play games with me, Olivia. You were the one who came on to me last night. That fire between us wasn't a mistake, and you know it." He leans in close, his lips grazing my ear as he speaks. "You can tell yourself whatever you want to, but you can't deny how you feel about me."

My heart races in my chest as he speaks, and I can feel myself getting hot under the collar. Damn him and his smoldering good looks. I know I shouldn't want him, but I can't help it.

He delicately grazes his fingers between my legs, reaching for my pussy through the fabric of my pants. I try to contain my reaction, but a shudder runs through me as he strokes me ever so lightly. His breath is hot against my ear as he whispers dirty promises, and I can feel his arousal pressing against me.

It feels like he is teasing me purposefully, taking his time to drive me wild with want and desire. Every stroke arouses an intensity within me that I am finding harder and harder to deny. He continues to tease me until I am on the brink of madness, trembling from head to toe from his touch alone.

His gaze is deep and intense as he looks into mine, silently conveying the promise of what lies ahead should I give in to him. In that moment I know there's no going back - it's just him and me now - and all that remains is a feverish desire for more that threatens to consume us both.

A phone rings outside, distracting me from our fantasy, and bringing me back to reality.

"And what if I do deny it?" I snap, smacking his hand away firmly and swiftly and taking a step sideways. Adrian takes a step forward, his eyes fixed on mine. “What if I said you were the one who started it by saying sweet nothings and diving right into why you cared about what I did last night?”

"Then I'll have to find ways to make you admit it," he says lowly, his voice gruff and commanding.

I feel a shiver run down my spine at his words, but I refuse to show any weakness. "You can try," I retort, crossing my arms defiantly.

Adrian smirks, clearly amused by my efforts to play cold. "Oh, I will," he says, stepping even closer until his body is pressed against mine. His hot breath fans against my cheek as he whispers, "In fact, I'm going to make you scream my name until you beg for mercy."

My heart races in my chest as I realize the full implication of his words. There's no mistaking the heat in his eyes, or the way his body is already responding to our close proximity. And despite everything, I can't help but feel a surge of desire at his words.

But I'm now also angry.

Angry that he can make me feel this way. Angry that he won’t let me forget I started this by kissing him first. Angry that he thinks his good looks can get him whatever he wants. And most of all, angry at myself for ever thinking I wanted to be with him in the first place.

I take a deep breath and let out a long sigh before finally pushing Adrian away from me. He raises his eyebrows in surprise but says nothing as I turn my back on him and march towards the door. "This is not going to happen," I say firmly, without even looking back at him. "We're done here."

"Oh, come on, Olivia," he says, "Don't be silly. What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know Adrian," I say, angrily. "My career? My reputation? You've hired me as your paralegal. Can you imagine what people would say if they found out we slept together? What if your driver tells someone? What if we have a slip-up and someone finds out?"

"I'm the god-damn C.E.O," he retorts. "They won't say shit, or I’ll fire them. Why should I care about what people think? "

Gathering all of my courage, I take a stand and look into his eyes with determination. "I hoped you were different," I say through gritted teeth. "I hoped you were better than this. But clearly, you're made of the same thread as every other man - trying to get whatever you want without having to care about how it affects anyone else but yourself. Maybe you don’t care about what people think, but I do. I’m not you, Adrian Carter. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am."

Adrian takes a step back, taken aback by the venom in my words. His face is expressionless, but there is something in his eyes that tells me he knows he has gone too far this time.

With those parting words, I open the door and walk out of the room, promising myself that no matter what, I will find another job where this kind of treatment isn't tolerated - one where respect is valued over attraction. It doesn't matter how attractive the man might be - this woman isn't going to fall under his spell again anytime soon.

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