Page 133 of If By Chance

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I wait for him to deny it, to tell them to fuck off for telling me or play it off like it’s nothing, but he doesn’t say a thing.

I risk a glance at him, only to be pulled into dark honey eyes. There’s the tension in his shoulders only I would notice, and the indent of a frown between his eyes.

He was worried, and if I know Jake, it probably killed him not to pick up the phone, or better still, get in his car and look for me.

I told him I was going shopping. What more can I do?

And now, I’m not sure if the look in his eyes is anger or if he wants to punish me in the most delicious way. Chewing on my lip, I fail to concentrate on suffocating the fire burning in my chest or the tingles unfurling between my legs.

“You’re good?” His voice is thick and coats over me, confirming my suspicions. He’s both relieved and turned on that I’m back, and the notion makes me want to jump into his arms…or his bed.

I nod, still transfixed. “I’m good.”

“It was getting late.” It’s all he says, and it’s the only explanation I need.

“Shops were open late. We had fun.”

He tips his chin, understanding. “Good.”

The tension rolls off us, and I feel the shift, the weighted air becoming lighter. He leans back again, more relaxed.


Those full lips edge up into a slow grin, reaching his eyes, and washing over me like a soothing balm. With another drink of his beer, he winks, and the breath I don’t know I’m holding escapes in a whoosh.

“Grab a beer and join us, Claire.” A voice knocks us out of our oblivion.

It’s Logan again. Pulling over a chair, he slots it beside his and taps on the back of it.

“Oh.” Why am I nervous? And it has nothing at all to do with Logan. I throw my thumb over my shoulder. “I just want to have a shower.” I swear there’s a groan from my left. “It’s been a busy day. I’m just going to grab my water and relax in my room. You men can do…” My eyes scan the table. I’ve never played poker, and I have no desire to learn. “Whatever it is you do.”

Saying goodnight, I grab my bags and water, feeling eyes on me with every step I take.

Before the kitchen door clicks closed, I hear Pete’s voice. “She’s home. Are you going to stop watching the fucking clock now and play?”

I can’t help but smile.


An hour later, I’m downstairs again after spending most of my time showering and lathering my body in my new honey body butter. It smells like heaven, and I keep sniffing my arm.

The rain started while I was in the shower, and by the time I finished, thunder was rumbling in the distance. I’m playing off my being here as nothing more than grabbing some popcorn for a movie and not admitting I just wanted company for five minutes because I’m afraid of the weather like a child.

The guys don’t seem to mind, and they involve me in conversation, but I’m still trying my best to be invisible when Logan sneaks to my side, startling me. I was too preoccupied with the popcorn bag expanding in the microwave.

I need better hobbies.

Smiling at him, I try to hide my blush as he grabs four beers from the fridge and sets them on the counter.

“What’s that smell? It smells like frickin’ heaven.”

My thoughts exactly.

I laugh, removing the popcorn bag and shaking it before putting it back in. “It’s me. I smell like heaven,” I joke, holding up my arm to him.

He arches a brow, holding back his chuckle.

“Have a whiff. I smell great.”
