Page 35 of If By Chance

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Nora beams back. “I know.”

“I’m right here,” I add, confused by their exchange.

She glances between us. Her smile does little to calm my failing nerves. Clutching her handbag, she stands and kisses my cheek before winking at Jake. “My job here is done. I’m sure you can both sort the rest.”

“You’re leaving?” I screech.

Please don’t.

But it’s probably for the best. I don’t need witnesses when I strangle this man.

Ignoring my panic, she simply walks away.

“I’ll drop by the shelter next week to see how you’re settling.”

Head high, she turns on her heels and walks away, leaving me alone with him.

Heart pounding so hard I’m sure he can hear it, I slowly turn back to look at him. Eyes firm, I don’t break eye contact, even when there’s a quick twitch of his lips.

He scans my face, taking in every inch, and I’m not sure why my heart is hammering anymore.

“Sit down, Claire.”

So now I’m Claire.

His mouth curls up on one side. “Please.”

Taken aback by his sudden change of tone and the warmth in his voice, my knees hit the back of the chair, and I sit like an obedient dog.

“The shelter is lucky to have you. You’re passionate, and you stand up for what you believe in. You just handed me my ass on a plate. Interviews won’t be an issue.”

“I won’t talk about my past. It’s my past for a reason. It doesn’t affect my job.” I swallow again, a knot tightening in the lowest part of my stomach. His smile falters, and I regret saying anything because his smile somehow calmed my mood. Even if I wanted to rip his head off thirty seconds ago.

“You have my word. No one will ask about your past. I’ll make sure of it.”

I look down at my hands, hoping to hide the wobble in my voice when I say, “Thank you.” Shifting in my seat, the leather squeaks beneath me. “I still don’t understand. Why now? The shelter opened six months ago. Why announce yourself as the donor?”

A heated stare skims over me, but I don’t move.

“Like you said, it’s a past for a reason. This past isn’t mine to share, but mine to protect.” A pained expression dashes across his face, but it’s hardly there long enough for me to notice. “When we announce the education fund, the official name will beThe Jessica Connors Education Program. It’s named after my wife.”

The pain I briefly witnessed makes sense now.

I nod, understanding.

“I can’t put her name to this and stay anonymous, and she deserves to be part of it.”

His eyes glaze over, the sincerity in his tone leaving me lost for words.

I’m rarely lost for words.

“Two weeks,” Jake finally says after a long silence. “I can visit the shelter in two weeks.”


“Great.” I force a smile. “The group has dinner together on Fridays at six. You should come.” My anger subsides, his confession leaving a sting in the back of my throat.

“Six o’clock is perfect, Ms. Russell.”
