Page 38 of If By Chance

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“It’s business, Claire,” he retorts.



“Alex, if you want to remain my friend, you need to brush up on your girl code.” He chuckles, and I can almost see the roll of his eyes. “Take some lessons from your wife.”

“Soon-to-be wife,” he corrects. “I’m beginning to second-guess my decision.”

Despite my irritation, I laugh. Blowing out some stress, I roll my shoulders to ease the tension.

“I can’t believe he didn’t remember you,” Mandy sighs. There’s silence for a moment before I hear a gasp. “Claire? Did you sleep with him?”

I choke on my wine.

How did she come to that conclusion?

“No,” I sputter, trying to clear my airways. “I can assure you. I did not sleep with Jake Williams.”

I feel a prickle along my spine, and I’m not convinced it’s because of what I said.

“Don’t sound so relieved.” The deep rasp of his voice tickles my ear.

What the hell?

Am I hearing things now?

Spinning around on the stool, my lips part with a pop.

“Is he there?” Mandy whispers.

“Speak of the devil and all that,” I murmur, staring up at him like he arrived by UFO.

I take another long drink, desperate to wet my dry mouth.

I’ve reached my limits on surprises for the day.

“Sweetie, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.”

I only hear her giggle as I end the call.

He removes his suit jacket, and despite my shock, my treacherous eyes rake in every muscle movement as he drapes his jacket over the back of the stool.

“By all means, you’re welcome to join me.”

He blinks in response, utterly unfazed as he takes a seat and orders a whiskey.

“Neat,” he adds.

Of course.

“Are you following me?”

Another blink.

“So, who were you trying to convince you didn’t sleep with me, Ms. Russell?” he asks, ignoring my previous question.

“We’re in a bar, not a boardroom. I think it’s okay to call me Claire. And I wasn’t trying to convince anyone. It’s the truth.”
