Page 65 of If By Chance

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I’m unsure how to explain why he’s here, so I go with the answer I know will piss him off. “He’s my sugar daddy.”

Her eyes widen.

As I walk away, he pulls at my elbow and drags me back to his side.

“Hello, Amy.” His smile is so forced, he’s going to sprain his facial muscles. “I amnother sugar daddy.”

I stifle a laugh. “Today you are.”

He shakes his head. “You’re impossible.”

I look back at my sister.

She’s mystified.

“I’m kidding, but he’s going to disagree with whatever title I give him. He owns the women’s shelter.”

Amy’s lips part in an O shape as she nods slowly.

Still mystified.

I think Amy is always mystified.

Jake leans his elbow against the counter, crossing his legs at the ankle.

“Great to meet you, Amy, but please tell me your sister isn’t always so giddy.”

I feign insult.

Tough shit, big guy. I’m in my element here.

“Sorry. She’s always this annoying.” She’s gifted with a real frown and the middle finger. “Seriously, what’s going on? I didn’t know you were coming by today.”

Jake answers for me, his tone contradicting what he says. “Your sister had the fantastic idea of creating a music room at the shelter and roped me into helping.”

Her smile broadens.

She’s catching on.

Throwing my arms out, I spin around. “He’s got the credit card. I need one of everything.”

But she doesn’t do cartwheels like I expect. Instead, her eyes twitch so fast between me and Jake, I think she’s ill.

“Has she cast one of my mother’s voodoo spells on you?”

Jake smirks, making me warm to my toes.

Amy notices.


“Is that what the smell was this morning?”

I gasp, crossing my arms over my chest, and just shy of stomping my feet. “It was sage.”

Amy slaps the counter. “You still burn sage?”

They share a knowing glance.
